
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway ~ Every Perfect Gift by Dorothy Love ~ 5/5! ~ Ends 12/14

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I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review as part of a Litfuse Publicity Blog Tour.  To see more about the book, author, and other reviews please click HERE.


Title:  "Every Perfect Gift"
Series:  Hickory Ridge Romance Book #3
Author:  Dorothy Love
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson Publishing
Publication Date:  12/4/12
Pages:  320
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description:

Sophie has spent a lifetime guarding her heart and a long-held secret. It will take all of her courage to speak the truth and embrace the future God has planned for her.

The year is 1886, and Sophie Robillard returns to Hickory Ridge, Tennessee, after living in Texas for 15 years as the ward of Ada and Wyatt Caldwell. Now that the town's population has exploded, her intention is to reopen the long-defunct newspaper office that so captivated her when she was still an orphan. The rejection she experienced as a child because of her mixed parentage has left deep scars that she hopes can be healed by succeeding in this new venture.

Ethan Heyward was uprooted from his home as a boy following an unspeakable tragedy. Horace Blakely, a millionaire businessman, took Ethan under his wing and eventually put him in charge of the construction and opening of Blue Smoke resort in Hickory Ridge.

They meet when Sophie arrives at Blue Smoke to interview Ethan for her newspaper. As their attraction deepens, each hides a secret that, if revealed, could end their relationship.

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

This book was really, really good.  I loved the town, the characters and the plot.

Even though this was the first book I have read of the series, I got to know Hickory Ridge very quickly.  There was just the right amount of back-story so that I got the gist of the history without getting overwhelmed.  I now want to go back and read the first two books!

Main Characters:

Sophie Caldwell:  Sophie was an orphan and doesn't know anything about her lineage except for the rumors that she has mixed blood.  At the time the book is taking place this is a big deal to certain people and Sophie lets it bother her more than she should.  She is also an independent woman who is determined to start a successful newspaper in her hometown.

Ethan Heyward:  Ethan is an architect in charge of the construction and creation of a huge resort, Blue Smoke.  He feels indebted to his employer and goes to great lengths to keep him happy.  Once the resort is finished, Ethan's dream is to build homes, especially to rebuild his family's plantation in Georgia. 

One of My  Favorite Scene(s):

I loved reading about the details of Blue Smoke.  It sounds like an amazing place and I wish it were real!

I also enjoyed learning more about the type-setting process in the newspaper office.

A Brief Excerpt:

Holding her hat in place with one hand, she looked up at the second-floor window of the room where she'd spent a lonely girlhood daydreaming and spinning stories.  She'd expected to feel a sense of fmailiarity upon returning here, a kind of homecoming.  But the moment she stepped off the train, she realized that everything had changed.
  Page 1

The Cover:

This is one of the most beautiful covers I have ever seen.  In fact, I featured on one of my Cover Crush posts.  (You can see it HERE.)  The gown, the snow, the Church and the red barn all combine to make a most gorgeous cover!

Other Notes:

~This is the last book in the Hickory Ridge series, but I look forward to seeing what Dorothy Love writes next.

~This is an excellent Christmas read!





Now, for the giveaway!

To enter for a chance to win my review ARC of this book:

*Mandatory-  Please leave a comment telling me if you've ever been featured in a newspaper and what for.  Hopefully it wasn't in the police section!  lol
*Extra-  Follow my blog and leave a comment telling me you do :)

The giveaway will run until December 14, 2012 at 11:59pm.  The winner will be announced on December 15th.


On to the next book,


  1. We lived in a small town and our picture and a little blurb about us was featured when our daughter won the local Halloween contest for the town parade. We dressed her up as the baby dragon from a tv show, I cannot even remember the name but the baby dinosaur would shout, "Not the Momma" and hit the dad with a frying pan. We put her in a wagon with a frying pan and a sign that said Not the Momma.

  2. I've never been featured in the newspaper, and I'm perfectly okay with that. :D Great review. I've heard such good things about this one from others also. Looks like I'll definitely have to try it. (Would be awesome to win it though! :)

  3. When my great-grandmother turned 100 a picture of her surrounded by her great-granchildren was featured in the local newspaper. As the youngest of her great-grandchildren at the time, I had the privilege of being the child seated on her lap! :)

    jswaks at gmail dot com

  4. Follow your blog via GFC.

    jswaks at gmail dot com

  5. Yes three people in my little church share the same birthday. It was on the front page. YES, I live in a very small town


  6. I once was in the hospital for Halloween and hey took a picture of me with my costume on. I remember they called my mom on the phone and asked her permission. We got to have a little parade and walk around. It was fun.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  7. I have never been in a newspaper.


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