
Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 9/22/12

All things bookish from the past week :)


I've recently started using Goodreads.  If you'd like to check out my page or become my friend (warm and fuzzies!) please click HERE.


Book Corner Bookmarks!

Now in my shop for under $5 and FREE SHIPPING in the U.S.

Books new to my TBR pile:

Shattered Silence (Men of the Texas Rangers series, #2)

"Shattered Silence"
Series:  The Men of the Texas Rangers Book 2
Author:  Margaret Daley
Source:  Publisher for review

Fruit of My Spirit
"Fruit of My Spirit"
Series:  N/A
Author:  Deanna Nowadnick
Source:  Author for Review

Too Close to Home (Women of Justice, #1)

"Too Close To Home"
Series:  Women of Justice Book 1
Author:  Lynette Eason

Don't Look Back (Women of Justice, #2)

"Don't Look Back"
Series:  Women of Justice Book 2
Author:  Lynette Eason

The Trouble with Cowboys (A Big Sky Romance, #3)
"The Trouble With Cowboys"
Series:  Big Sky Romance Book 3
Author:  Denise Hunter
Source:  Publisher for Review

Attorney-Client Privilege
"Attorney-Client Privilege"
Series:  Vernetta Henderson Book 4
Author:  Pamela Samuels Young
Source:  Author for Review

God Loves Ugly: & love makes beautiful
"God Loves Ugly"
Series:  N/A
Author:  Christa Black
Source:  Publisher for Review


This Week's Bookish Memes

Monday -Musing ~ Least Favorite?
Tuesday -Teaser Tuesday
Wednesday -Wishing and Waiting
Thursday -From the Review Pile
Friday -Book Blogger Hop


The Lure of Shapinsay
"The Lure of Shapinsay" by Krista Holle

"Austenland" by Shannon Hale

Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know by Jeff Johnson and Hy Conrad
"Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know" by Conrad  & Johnson



Please see the top of my sidebar for current giveaways!


(all have been contacted by email)

Books to Movies Hop - Sophia
Under the Sea Hop - Julie
"River's End" - Kimba


Coming This Week:

Monday 9/24:  Book Review:  "Finally a Bride" by Vickie McDonough

Tuesday 9/25:  Book Review:  "Fruit of My Spirit" by Deanna Nowadnck

Wednesday 9/26:  "Stuck in a Good Book" Drawing
                              Book Review & Giveaway: "The Trouble with Cowboys"
                                                                          by Denise Hunter

 Thursday 9/27:  Book Review:  "Twice Loved" by Lori Copeland

Friday 9/28:  "Highlander Giveaway Hop" Drawing


I'm linking up to Stacking the Shelves, Mailbox Monday hosted this month by BookNAround , The Sunday Post, The Sunday Salon and Showcase Sunday.

Lovely reading!


  1. I just have to say regarding the book corners..they are lovely. Colletta sent me some and I love them. Awesome haul this week curious about Austenland..i love all things Austen. Thanks for linking to the Sunday Post and have an awesome week!

  2. Lots of tempting titles! Thanks for sharing and enjoy.



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