
Friday, July 6, 2012

High Five Friday Fragments and Favorites ~ 7/6/12

PhotobucketMommy's Ideafriday favorite things | finding joy

5 Highlights from the past week:


1.  Swimming!!!  The pool has been so warm the past few days due to the heatwave here in PA.  I actually just got out and it was wonderful!


2.  Bike Riding!   I hadn't ridden a bike in a few years until my Mom bought one at a yard sale a few days ago.  I took it for a spin around the block.  It made me want a new bike even more!!

3.  Picnic!  On the 4th of July we had steak, pork chops and chicken on the grill.  We also had homemade mac-n-cheese, watermelon, corn on the cob and party cake!


4.  Fireworks!  On Sunday night, some good friends invited us to their house to watch the fireworks that a nearby Church puts off.  There were a bunch of us hanging out and chatting while the kids swam.  When it got dark, we oohed and ahhed at the pretty lights ;)


5.  Review Books!  This week I started accepting requects to review books.  I contacted a few different companies and tour organizers and have some review books on their way to me now.  I'm excited to add this aspect to my blog :)

6.  I lost 2 pounds!  That in itself is enough to make me happy!


I look forward to reading everyone's highlights from the week!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Welcome to Friday Fragments! It is such fun to find your blog. I didn't have any fragments to post this week, but I usually do---and tonight I just stopped by to check up on my Friday buddies. And here you are!

    I'll stop by again.

  2. Congrats on the weight loss and keep up the swimming. Best way to continue it. Welcome to the Friday Frags!

  3. Congrats on #6. And it sounds like a great week.


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