
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thirty Five by 35 ~ 7/7/12

My quest to complete 35 tasks
by the time I turn 35 on March 24, 2013.


I'm finally getting in the summer groove and hope that I can cross of a few items this next week :)  But here (in the red) is what is new for this week.
1.  Lose 65 lbs.  Total Lost:  -1

I lost 2 pounds this week!  I was so excited and still am.

I walked 3 days this week and swam 4 days.  Adding to that was not drinking pop, eating Special K Cinnamon Pecan Cereal for lunch with skim milk (so yummy).  I go Vanilla Almond to try this week too.  I've also been trying to eat healthy snacks when I need something to hold me over.

This week I would like to walk 5 days and add swimming in the afternoons also.  I might also add in some bike riding.  My Mom got a bike so I'd really like for us to do that together :)

2.  Go to Disney World. 6/7/2012-6/15/12
I'll post a pic when I get them loaded.

3.  Establish a once a month date night with the hubby.
Dinner date last night.  Then we watched the new Sherlock Holmes movie.  We also were able to get in the pool without little ones hanging on our backs.  It was fun to splash around and laugh together.

4.  Only trim my hair when necessary.
So far so good!

5.  Get the house organized.
I've still only managed the regular cleaning.  I think I need to schedule 1 room a week on my calendar.  First up will be my bedroom.  I'm hoping to get to it this afternoon/evening.

6.  Plan and go on a Romantic Getaway for our Anniversary 9/17.
So far we're tossing around some ideas.  Maybe Berkely Springs.  I really need to get this decided so I can make reservations.

7.  Plan and go on a Girls' Getaway with long-time friend(s) from school.

8.  Read 10 non-fiction books.
          1.  A Walk with Jane Austen by Lori Smith
          2.  Off Balance by Dominique Moceanu

9.  Get Laken to sleep in her own bed.
She's been doing pretty well.  She wasn't in our bed at all this past week.  I did wake up one morning and she was in with Kaylee.  It was so sweet :)  That is what I would like to see.  Doug is back on 3rd shift this week so we'll see how it goes when she knows it is just me in my room.

10.  Plan and hold a Girls' Night In.

11.  Reach 1000 Sales in my Etsy shop.  Starting at 559/1000.
+6 this week.  Now at 584!

12.  Paint our Kitchen and Dining Room.
I picked out some paint samples at Lowe's this week.  I'm still thinking about a color scheme though.

13.  Find and purchase a comfortable bike.
Now that Mom got a bike, I really wan to get my new bike.  I have to see what the money situation looks like after I do the bills this week.  Lovely, lovely bills :(

14.  Teach Kaylee to ride her bike.
Maybe if the rest of us are riding she'll get the desire to learn.  Hopefully.

15.  Get into a "Early to Bed/Early to Rise" routine.
Still having a hard time with this one.  I'll try to work on it more this week.

16.  Walk a 5K.

17.  Go to the ocean.
Daytona Beach, FL!  6/6/12

18.  Survive Laken's first day of Kindergarten.

19.  Re-arrange Craft Room/Office.

20.  Take Kaylee to play Tennis.

21.  Take the hounds for walks.

22.  Read through the New Testament.
I plan to start with Matthew this week.

23.  Plant flower bulbs around the house.

24.  Refresh my Spanish with some kind of Spanish for Beginners.

25.  Find a long-term Pen Pal.
I'm thinking about seeing if my aunt and cousin in FL want to do some kind of mini-challenges through letters.

26.  Re-make my Dining Room centerpiece.

27.  Make Apple Dumplings.

28.  Go berry picking.

29.  Bake a turkey.

30.  Make my own candle.

31.  Eat oatmeal at least once a week.

32.  Get routine bloodwork done.

33.  Make a dentist appointment and keep it.

34.  Find a facial moisterizer that doesn't make me oily.

35.  Set my Thirty Six by 36 list.

Holding at 34,

I'll be linking up to Homemaking Linkup and

1 comment:

  1. I love Almond milk! Some people say it takes some getting used to, but I didn't think so. And - yay for the bike - I've been trying to motivate myself to get mine out.


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