
Thursday, July 5, 2012

TGIF ~ FF ~ BBH ~ 7/6/12

This post is where I combine 3 different Friday bookish blog hops and the questions posed by each.  I just couldn't leave any out!


Q: Jumping Genres: Ever pick up a book from a genre you usually don’t like and LOVE it? Tell us about it and why you picked it up in the first place.

Yes, I have.  It was "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins.  I don't read YA very often but I knew that I wanted to see the movie.  I recently had started a "read-the-book-before-seeing-the-movie" rule.  So, while I was out shopping I picked up a copy.  I devoured it in one sitting, finishing it in the wee hours of the morning.  I can honestly say that if I hadn't seen the movie preview, I probably wouldn't have read it and would have missed out on a great book.

The Hunger Games (Hunger Games, Bk 1)


Book Blogger Hop

Q. If you could be a character from any book, who would you be?
This is a really hard question!  I've read so many books and loved so many characters.  So, I guess just for something fun, I'd be Amanda Burns from LFYI Treasure Island, FL.  She owns a bike rental shop by the beach.  I'd love to live by the water some day....sigh....
Love Finds You in Treasure Island, Florida

Q. Comfort Reads: Which books do you go to for comfort & familiarity?
I've never really tought about this before but now that I take time to think about it I would say I turn to Historical Romances.  They've always been my favorite because they are what started my love of reading. 

So for me, curled up reading a good Regency or Western Romance with a hot cup of tea is my comfort zone :)


Is there a type of book you seek out when you're needing that extra bit of comfort in your life?

Happy Friday!



  1. My book blogger hop character choice also involves living somewhere else (by the beach too!)

  2. Hopping on by! I do live by the beach, so I suppose I'm halfway there! Now just to own a bike Lovely choice!

  3. Hopping through. I read a lot of YA, but I don't like dystopia much, so the Hunger Games was out of my genre tastes too.
    My Hop

  4. I so need to read the Hunger Games, haven't seen the movie either. I am so far behind. LOL


  5. I dont really read YA either so Hunger Games was my pick too!

    new follower via gfc

    -Amanda P
    Paranormal Romance

  6. I completely loved The Hunger Games books and movie - though I read a lot of YA anyway!

    Really glad you enjoyed them - what an awesome pick!

    My FF this week

  7. I loved the Hunger , but I do read a fair amount of YA. And historical romances would be my go to type of book for comfort reading - I don't even read it that often, but I rarely disappointed when I do.

  8. I need to read my 1st Regency Romance.

  9. The Hunger Games is an excellent YA read.

    New follower.
    MY FF

  10. Oh, I think I should read more historical romances! I started with UF and PNR and have been glued to those two genres ever since. :'D

    Patricia // My Hop

  11. Oooh, living by the beach sounds divine.

    My Hop

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

    I loved both of those books. Review of THE ISLAND HOUSE is right below the Book Blogger Hop.

    Silver's Reviews
    Silver’s Reviews

  13. I'm not usually a YA reader either at least until recently. Hunger Games got me thinking maybe I'm missing out on something so I've made an effort to read more of it this year.

  14. Just hopping by from Book Blogger Hop! I would love to live at the beach here in NC, but living about 3-4 hours away works well too. At least I get to visit for a day or so. :)

    Happy Reading!

    Kelsey @ Ketch's Book Nook

  15. Liked the Hunger Games series very much.

  16. The Hunger Games was awesome! I read Ya all the time. :)

    New Follower
    Here's my FF:

  17. Hopping on by from Book Blogger Hop :) Living on a beach sounds like a fantastic idea to me!

  18. I am in COMPLETE agreement about historical romances. They definitely are a source of comfort to me when I just want to shut the rest of the world out.

  19. I'm here for the FF Blog hop and chose The Hunger Games for my answer too. Awesome series and well done movie adaptation too!

    I'm now following you via GFC and would love for you to visit me whenever you get a moment.....

    The Scarf Princess

  20. Hello... Just stopping by from the book hop. Your beach living sounds wonderful. We live near Half Moon Bay and the beaches near there. (1hr drive). When we leave after visiting, I always wish we could stay longer..

    Hope you can stop by and visit my blog. Enjoy your week.



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