
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stacking the Shelves ~ 6/23/12



I don't have even close to as many books this week as I did last.  It is a good thing becaue stacking those 15 from last week has made my pile precariously high and the slightest bump could send them falling.  I have some heavy duty reading to do this summer.  So exciting!
Here's what I stacked my shelves with this week:

Big Sky Country (Parable, Montana, Bk 1)
"Big Sky Country"
Author:  Linda Lael Miller
Series:  Parable Book 1

Deeply Devoted
"Deeply Devoted"
Author:  Maggie Brendan
Series:  The Blue Willow Brides Book 1

Raider's Heart (Backwoods Buccaneers, Bk 1)
"Raider's Heart"
Author:  Marcia Gruver
Series:  Backwoods Buccaneers Book 1


This Week's Bookish Posts

-Cover Characteric ~ Necklaces
-All Series, All Summer 2012
-Musing ~ No Covers
-Teaser Tuesday
-Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon
-WWW Wednesday
-Desperately Wanting, Wishing and Waiting
-Review:  "Within My Heart"
-Throwback and the Review Pile
-Review:  "The Man Who Loved Jane Austen"

I'm also linkup up to Mailbox Monday hosted this month by Burton Book Review.

Lovely reading!



  1. I agree, sometimes it's better to have a smaller stack, or you're overfilled with books x___x Personally, I have a problem of requesting/accepting too many books to review for my own good...

    Good choices though :D I've never actually heard of any of them before. Deeply Devoted sounds interesting though - I've always wondered about mail-order brides.

    Thanks for stopping by earlier c: If anyone else wants to see my stack, it's there :D

  2. I actually haven't heard of any of these books but I hope you enjoy them! :)

    Check out my Stacking the Shelves!

  3. Linda Lael Miller has been on my to read list for a very long time. Hope to get to her someday.

    Happy Reading!

    My Haul

  4. New titles for me, enjoy!

  5. SOmetimes only 1 or 2 is better. You can do some catching up. Have a great week and happy reading!

  6. Enjoy your new books! Only one in my mailbox post this week.


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