
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Camera Critters ~ 6/23/12 ~ NELLY

Camera Critters

Camera Critters is a Saturday meme hosted by Misty Dawn at Camera Critters  which is all about photos of animals/critters. 


The first few days of our Florida trip, we spent at my Aunt Mary's in Daytona Beach.  We had 1 day to go to the beach.  I really just wanted my Mom and the girls to see the ocean.  Mission accomplished.

Then we drove the rest of the way down the Ponce Inlet to the Ponce De Leon Lighthouse.  (I had been there before on a previous trip and climbed all 203 steps to the top of the lightouse.  I even walked around on the deck.  It was amazing.  This time I stayed on ground level with Laken while the others climbed.)

We had to get our tickets for the tour by going through the gift shop.  We decided we would look around the shop on our way out.  As we walked out, there was a set of stairs directly to the right.

Lo and behold there was a kitty.  It seems like every vacation we take, we spend the whole time spotting animals.  I think because we miss our own while we are away.

On the way back in, the kitty was relaxing, sprawled out on the steps.

While looking through the gift shop for a few souveniers, you will never guess what I found.  So I'll show you.

Nelly The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse Cat

 Apparently this cat that I was thought was just ordinary is actually a celebrity with her own book!  Imagine that!

"Nelly, The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse Cat" written by Stephanie Szerdy and illustrated by Nathan Szerdy.

The book was beautifully written and the artwork was amazing.  I wish I had bought it.  I might still yet.  You can click on the book or down on the title to go to the Lighthouse shop where you can purchase it.

One kitty, such an awesome memory!

Have a wonderful Camera Critters day!


  1. I love your first shot, it could be very much a post card photo!

    Our Dog BOLT, please come and see. Your comment will mean a lot!

  2. Love the lighthouse and the cute kitty.

  3. Sounds like a fun place to visit and I enjoyed the photos.

  4. As I was growing up, our family visited this area almost every summer. I loved the lighthouse. Now I've got to get that book too.
    Nellie is a beautiful cat.


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