
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Its OK to Imagine ~ 3 on Thursday ~ 6/21/12

3 on Thursday

Cole from "All the Small Stuff" and Andrea from "My Chihuahua Bites" are hosting linky that asks a fun question every Thursday.  Make sure you follow their blogs so you can get the question ahead of time and have your answers ready!

This week's topic is:

"What are 3 you would or absolutely would not name a future child?"

Well, if I get pregnant again, it will mean the doctors didn't do what they were supposed to do and it would be a huge shock to which I don't know if I'd recover.  That being said, I love all things names and regularly go to and vote on the name of the day.  Some are totally horrendous!

I really don't want to pick any names that I hate because, heaven forbid, you've named your child that and I don't want to offend.  So I'll go with names I would name a future child or maybe grandchild (in about 20 years or so).

1.  AUDREY ~ This was my grandmother's name and I really, really miss her.  This name was at the top of my list for our second daughter, but I knew it would be our last chance to use Doug's father's name as a base name and I felt pretty strongly about that.  Hence, La"ken".

2.  LINDSAY ~  This was a list topper for our first daughter.  I just really love the name.

3. KATNISS ~ I know, I know.  This is the girl in Hunger Games.  I really liked the movie but that isn't why I would use this name.  I just think the name is really beautiful.  We would call her "Kat"

Bonus:  I also really like the new Disney Princess from Brave "Merida".  If I had the guts :)



1.  KENNETH ~ Doug's dad passed away when Doug was 11.  We really wanted to use this name if we had a boy.  No boy.  Hence, Laken.  See above.

2.  DOUGLAS ~ Even though my husband was adament about not naming a child after him, I think I would do it anyway.  I can just imagine a little Dougie running around.

3.  WILLIAM ~ This was going to be the middle name if we had a boy.  Kenneth William.  William was my grandfather's name.  He passed aways shortly after Doug and I started dating.  I think we would have used "Will" as a nickname.

Bonus:  I always loved the name Ian.


Its Ok Thursdays

Its OK name your kid exactly what you want be as excited as the kids about going to see the movie "Brave"

...that I'm struggling to get into a summer "routine"

...that I'm ready to plan another vacation

...that I could stay up all night reading then sleep all day

...that we don't even have our pool open yet

...that the grass is about 8 inches high.  We'll get to it. want to crawl back in bed this morning

...that there are moments when I wish that school went all summer send the girls to their rooms so I can have some quiet time

Have a great Thursday!


  1. We have a lot of boys in our family named Douglas .... family tradition.

    Plus our daughters's nick name is Cat

  2. Great names! Lindsay is my grandma's maiden name, so it's something I'd consider using too. I think Merida is so pretty!

  3. Is there such a thing as a summer routine? Summer seems to be so crazy that I didn't even think a routine was possible!

  4. Love this!!


    Have a fabulous day! xo


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