
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hodgepodge and Chats ~ 6/20/12

This week's questions:

1. Summer officially rolls in with the Hodgepodge this week, for those of us in the Northern hemisphere anyway. What song says summer 2012 to you?

It doesn't matter what the year is "Fishin' in the Dark" by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band will always remind me of summer.

2. What's your favorite quintessential summer food?

Corn-on-the-Cob without a doubt.  Also ice-cream :)

3. I've spent a lot of time traipsing up and down the NJ Turnpike in recent weeks. Did you know the rest areas on the turnpike are named after people who lived or worked in NJ? Clara Barton, Walt Whitman, James Fenimore Cooper, Molly Pitcher, Joyce Kilmer, Thomas Edison, and Gover Clevland just to name a few. Of those I listed, who would you most like to have known and why?

Molly Pitcher.  I did a report of women in wars when I was in High School and Molly was one of the women I featured.  She's always intrigued me.

4. At what age did you move out of your parent's house and what prompted the move?

I moved out of my parent's house when I got married at 21 years old.

5. What's more satisfying to you-saving time or saving money?

Since saving money doesn't really happen much around here, I'd have to go with saving time :)

6. Name something you think brings out the good in people.

Encouragement and praise.  If you treat them how you expect them to behave I think they will have more of a desire to live up to your expectations.

7. This last question comes to you courtesy of Kathy over at Reflections...will you be taking a vacation or a staycation this summer? If so where will you go? If a staycation is on the calendar have you made any special plans to fill the time?

We just got back from a 2 week vacation to Daytona Beach, FL and Disney World.  The rest of the summer will be spent swimming in our pool, going for picnics and fishing at the lake and other things that don't cost money!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I feel like I'm floundering around a bit this week.  It is our first official week of a summer routine and it will take me a bit to adjust.


Here are the questions:

1.  Do you ever go on picnics? When was the last one? Do you go somewhere with benches and tables, or do you take your own blanket?

We have picnics as often as possible.  We've had a few already this year.  Sometimes we just throw a blanket out in the yard and eat there.  Other times we'll eat on the patio table.  My favorite is to sit by the lake and have a picnic.

2.  What's your favorite tropical fruit?

I'm really  picky about textures so I can't really say I have a favorite tropical fruit.  Any suggestions?

3.  Wendell would like me to ask you if you've ever ridden a horse? Any pony rides as a child?

Sorry, Wendell, but I think I've only had one pony ride as a child.  My children have been on many pony/horse rides and love it but I've always been a bit intimidated.  Horseback riding is on my wishlist of fun things to do, though!

4.  Describe the purse you are currently carrying. If you don't use a purse, what color is your wallet?

My purse is a big, beach bag type creation.  It is navy blue with daisies on it.  I like to carry a big bag just in case.  I love to be able to stuff things in it rather than carrying 10 things in my hands.

5.  Please tell me the last funny thing that you just recently remembered. This can be something funny that happened to you in the past, or just something funny that you remember.

Hmmm?  I was just recently remember the time that my brother was tossing my then 3 year old in the air.  I had no sooner warned him that she had just eaten when she puked in his mouth.  HILARIOUS!  Not for my brother but the rest of us really enjoyed it :)

Have a great day!


  1. I love that song. I haven't heard it in ages! I'm putting that one on my summer play list : )

  2. I also love that song & will have to get it from itunes! I love how reading everyone's answers remind you of great things you have forgotten :)

  3. Great video! Thanks!
    Great questions & answers this week!
    Your funny story happened to my husband many years ago...he was warned, too late too. *augh*

  4. We have the same favorite summer foods. This summer I am off of dairy so no ice cream for me though ;(

  5. I haven't heard that song by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band in AGES! Love it! Sounds like you've got a great summer plan. :)

  6. i love that song! the puking in the mouth story is hilariously disgusting...


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