
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Book Review: "Within My Heart" by Tamera Alexander

Within My Heart (Timber Ridge Reflections, Bk 3)

Title:  "Within My Heart"
Series:  Timber Ridge Reflections Book 3
Author:  Tamera Alexander
Publisher:  Bethany House
Publication Date:  10/1/2010
Pages:  384

Book Description (PBS):
Widow Rachel Boyd struggles to keep her ranch afloat and provide for her two young sons, though some days it feels as though her efforts are sabotaged at every turn. When her cattle come down with disease and her sons' lives are endangered, she must turn to Rand Brookston, Timber Ridge's physician and reluctant veterinarian.

While Rachel appreciates his help, she squelches any feelings she might have for Rand -- her own father was a doctor and his patients always took priority over his family. Rachel refuses to repeat the mistakes her mother made. But when she's courted by a wealthy client of the local resort, she faces a choice: self-sufficiency and security or the risk inherent in the deepest of loves. 

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

This was the third and final book of the Timber Ridge Reflection series.  I read the first two books quite a while ago and finally finished out the series.  I was motivated by the "All Series, All Summer 2012".

The leading lady, Rachel, had appeared in the first two books and I looked forward to reading her story.  I really liked the way the author took her from being afraid to love again and slowly melted her heart.  I could see the transformation happening a bit at a time.  I was glad that it wasn't an instant romance.  It just wouldn't have had the same effect.

My Favorite Character:

Ben Mullins was my favorite character in this book.  He was like a father figure to Rachel.  Very gentle, kind, wise and had such a strong faith.  I admire the way he handled his sickness and trusted that God would take care of him until the very end which he saw as just the beginning.
My Favorite Scene:

My favorite scene actually happens in the prologue.  It sets such a huge part of the story.  I won't tell you what exactly happened because it is so dramatic, but I will say that it has a profound effect on Rand and is the cause of his extreme panic attacks.  I've had some major panic attacks and I could sympathize.

My Favorite Sentence:
"He knew God could heal with a thought.  He also knew, only too well, that sometimes God chose not to."  Rand Brookston page 35

It Woud Have Been Better If:

Honestly I was very satisfied with how this book and series played out.  The character were very real with problems and fears that were very relatable.

I Would Recommend This Book To:

Mothers, doctors, nurses, webmd addicts, widows, people who deal with anxiety, ranchers, small-town-dwellers, those who have been caretakers of loved ones and anyone who enjoys a good romance.



On to the next book,

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