
Friday, June 29, 2012

TGIF ~ FF ~ BBH ~ 6/29/12

This post is where I combine 3 different Friday bookish blog hops and the questions posed by each.  I just couldn't leave any out!


Q: Birthday Wishes — Blow out the candles and imagine what character could pop out of your cake…who is it and what book are they from? 

This was really hard!  I finally came to the conclusion that I need mothering advice.  So I pick:

Marmie from "Little Women".

Little Women (Penguin Classics)

I'd like to know how she kept her sanity while raising 4 daughters when I'm holding onto mine by a thread with just 2!


Book Blogger Hop

Q. Do you have a keeper shelf for books you loved? What books are on that shelf and why?

I don't really have a keeper shelf.  I don't like to re-read books so as soon as I read a book I usually pass it along to someone else through
There are some books from my childhood on my headboard in my room at "Home" that I would never get rid of.  I guess that would be my keeper shelf.

Q. Best I've Read So Far: We're half way through the year (crazy how time flies!), which top 3 books are the best you've read so far this year?

Rugged and Relentless (Husbands for Hire, Bk 1)
Before Ever After
Waterfall (River of Time, Bk 1)
Happy Friday!



  1. Those are great favorites. I've heard a lot of amazing things about Waterfall.

    My TGIF/Follow Friday

  2. Stopping by to have a look around.

    I don't re-read either.

    Great list of "keeper" books.

    I only have about 15 on my shelf. Stop by my blog to see my full answer if you like.

    First-time visitor. Love your blog. Awesome header and posts.


  3. I completely forgot about Little Women, that is such a great answer.


  4. I think we all need some parenting advice every now and then :) If you want to know my choice, please come over and check my FF post.

    I'm a new GFC follower :) Have a great weekend.

  5. I don't really like to re-read books either! Very rarely will I ever do that. I like to pass them along too or give them to the library!

  6. I enjoyed your meme's and answers this week. Marmie would be a good one to meet. I too use paperback swap. I am griperang on there if you are interested. I have some books I have kept, here is the link to my blog so you can see my answer:

  7. I haven't read any of these books before but the covers are amazing. Definitely checking them out.

  8. Marmie is a great answer! It's different and I like that.

    Hopping around late because of working at camp. My follow friday. Please visit!

  9. You definitely took a different look at this question! There I was thinking of all the swoon-worthy vamps I could think of and you're being very practical.


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