
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 6/24/12

Would you like to linger on the simple things...then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on of the everyday moments.  Click the button above to go the hosting blog.


Outside my window...  are the dogs running around in the yard.  It is bright and sunny with a temp of 76 F.

I am thinking...  About taking a Sunday afternoon nap before I make food for the picnic later today.

I am thankful...  for being able to get the house cleaned yesterday and feeling more settled post-vacation.

In the kitchen...  I will be making a huge crock-pot of homemade mac-n-cheese and a dessert of some kind for the picnic.
I am wearing... jeans with the legs rolled up, a gray shirt with graphics, flip flops.

I am creating...  a Barley Cocoon for an etsy order.

I am going...  to fall asleep sitting here at the computer!

I am wondering...  If I will get my 4th read-a-thon book read before midnight.

I am reading...  "Waterfall" by Lisa T. Bergren for the above mentioned RAT.

I am hoping...  That Kaylee had a good time at Church Camp this week!

I am looking forward to...  getting the pool finished so we can swim!

I am learning...  that I need to be more consistent with my daily Bible study.

Around the house...  Summer is in full swing.

I am pondering...  How seemingly overnight, the house can go from clean to disaster area?

A favorite quote for today...  "What is your spiritual temperature?"

One of my favorite things...  Sunday afternoon naps :)

A few plans for the rest of the week:  We have Church Camp Meeting all week, so I will be back and forth from that.  I also have some baking to do as well and my regular routing housework.  Swim in the pool, hopefully.  Enjoy summer!

Good Sunday Afternoon!


  1. Sunday afternoon naps is one of my favorite things as well! Have a great week :)

  2. I love the lazy days of summer and especially Sunday afternoons!

  3. Haha, i posted cats also today. Aren't they lovely and amusing?

  4. I adore Sunday afternoon naps as well. It is one of the highlights of my week ... (I don't nap any other day.)

    I enjoy reading Lisa T. Bergren, too.

    You mean my house isn't the only one that can go from neat to disaster overnight?


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