
Monday, August 16, 2010

Marriage Mondays

Julie hosts Marriage Mondays at "Come Have a Peace.

Today she tells a touching story about Mr. and Mrs. D and asks:

"Do you know what kind of wife you want to be 30 years from now? What are you doing today to get yourself there?"

Wow. Thirty years from now I will be 62 and Doug will be 72. Our children will be 39 and 33. I can't even imagine but before I know it, we'll be there.

What kind of wife do I want to be? I want to be my husband's best friend. I want us to do everything together and be spectacular grandparents who have "Grammy/Pappy Days". I'll still be making our house a home and striving to be a good helpmeet.

I hope that we're still going on "Family Adventures" and exploring new things and going on road trips. Right now, he's the driver and I'm the navigator. By that time, I might be the driver and him the navigator.

I can see me also needing some time apart. Giving each other some space to also be ourselves and pursue a few interests that maybe the other doesn't share.

I also can see the possibility of being a caregiver. Doug is 10 years older than I am and we never know what God's plan may be. Then again, Doug could possibly be my caregiver.

Thinking about the two of us 30 years from now, increases my desire to make the best of today and be the kind of wife I want to be right here and right now.

I need to take the time to appreciate the hard-working man I have and take care not to get so caught up in being a homemaker and mother that I take my precious husband for granted.

Even though he can test my patience like a professional!

I just found Marriage Mondays last evening, and I must say that participating in it today has given me a lot to think about.

Thanks, Julie, for hosting such a great meme.

1 comment:

  1. Colletta, so glad to have you joining us today for Marriage Mondays! It sounds like you and Doug have a sweet future ahead together. I love reading about "you" 30 years from now. I'm always relieved to know that even though I can't know the details of what's to come, God is already "there," and nothing will happen that doesn't pass through His hands first.

    Blessings to you and Doug in each sweet day ahead,


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