
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Making Your Home Sing

I have my Homeschool Preschool post linked up to the "Making Your Home Sing Monday" at Moms the Word.

Here's a little bit about the meme:

Every day you are doing something to make your house into a home for yourself and your family (if you have one). My point with each Monday post is, what are you doing or going to do today? It can be an attitude or an action. Motivation, our attitude, baking, encouraging our husband or children (if we have either one), organization, cleaning, saving money....the opportunities are endless.

Whatever you're doing you are blessing your family. I just want people to post what they're doing that day or going to do that day to "make their home sing." Anything we do to bless our families, to make our homes run more smoothly, anything we do to go about our homemaking more joyfully and thankfully will apply.
Please check out the meme and post your ways of Making Your Home Sing over at Mom's the Word!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up to it! Have you seen the website It has all sorts of printables, for household as well as homeschooled.

    My children have been homeschooled all their lives and we have used several things on her site.


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