
Monday, August 16, 2010

Book Review: "Love Starts With Elle" by Rachel Hauck

Book Description:

Elle's living the dream -- but is it her dream or his?

Elle loves life in Beaufort, South Carolina -- lazy summer days on the sand bar, coastal bonfires, and dinners with friends sharing a lifetime of memories. And she's found her niche as the owner of a successful art gallery too. Life is good.

Then the dynamic pastor of her small town church sweeps her off her feet. She's never known a man like Jeremiah -- one who breathes in confidence and exhales all doubt. When he proposes in the setting sunlight, Elle hands him her heart on a silver platter.

But Jeremiah's just accepted a large pastorate in a different state. If she's serious about their relationship, Elle will take "the call," too, leaving behind the people and place she loves so dearly. Elle's friendship with her new tenant, widower Heath McCord, and his young daughter make things even more complicated.

Is love transferrable across the miles? And can you take it with you when you go?

My Thoughts:

This book was so down to earth. The way the characters acted, the way they talked, their family relationships, etc.

I really liked the lesson of this book. God can take any circumstance and use it for good and for His plan. Choices we make, places we go all set into motion the good things God has planned for our future.

Some people agonize over decisions, wondering if it is the decision God wants them to make. Sometimes I think God gives us mutlitple good choices that will lead us where He wants us to be. Because He loves us and wants us to have joy!

I loved the twists and turns this story took to finally come to the perfect ending.

Great book!


  1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review Love Starts With Elle! I'm so honored, Colletta.

    Blessings, Rachel

  2. EWWW!!! This one sounds good! Thank you for your reviews!!!!!!! <3

  3. i read this book and sweet carolina! i am addicted to hauck now!!!! :) please keep 'em coming!


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