Monday, February 10, 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/10/2025

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and Happy Monday!!!!!

So how about it?  Did you watch the Super Bowl last night?  I wasn't super invested in who won so it didn't much matter to me.  I do wish the score would have been a little closer to make it more exciting.  I enjoy a good nail-biter!

Did anyone get their free Starbucks coffee today?  At least the game was over fairly early as I had to get up for work this morning.


I want to take this opportunity to invite you to join in my 16th Blogiversary Celebration & Giveaway.  Click HERE to read the post!


Well, let's get this show on the road :)

The weather outside is:

It is supposed to be rather nasty this week with freezing rain, ice and snow.  Stay safe, everyone!

On today's to-do list:

I didn't get a chance to type this post on Sunday afternoon/evening so I'm just sitting down now at 7:56pm on Monday to write.  

I worked 10am-5pm.  Came home.  Had supper.  Washed dishes.  Relaxed a bit.  And now here I am.

Happening this week:

I work Wednesday and Friday 10am-5pm yet this week.  That is if the weather allows and the office isn't closed on Wednesday.

Tuesday for me morning I have a dentist appointment.  Tuesday afternoon is also a hair appointment for Laken.  The bad weather is supposed to start around lunch, so hopefully we'll get there and back before it gets too bad!

Currently reading:

February's book club selection/read-along is "you're not enough (and that's okay)" by Allie Beth Stuckey.  We're reading a few chapters of the book each week and then discussing it in a FB chat on Saturdays.  We'll also be having our monthly zoom meeting. 

I've read the introduction and Myth #1 (the first chapter) so far.  The ladies in the book club chatted about our thoughts on Saturday evening.  The Good for the Soul Women's Book Club is probably my favorite book club I've ever participated in.  Prairie, our fearless leader, does such a wonderful job and puts so much time and effort into the club.  She's such a sweetheart!

I'm also listening to "A Lady's Guide to Marvels and Misadventure" by Angela Bell and will be starting Chapter 12 this evening.  It has been really fun to read about all the inventions and the menagerie of animals that make appearances along the way!

Listening to:

One of my first cars was a little red Subaru Impreza that had "No Fear" decals in the back windows.  I think of that car every time I hear this song!  lol  Probably not what the writer/artist had in mind but still...  Enjoy :)


We watched 1 episode of Reacher but I'm just not really getting into it as much as the hubby would like.  I might give it 1 more episode and if it doesn't peak my interest then I'll say it is quits.

We watched the Super Bowl as I mentioned above.

There is a new show called The Hunting Party that looks REALLY interesting.  I'm looking forward to giving it a try.

In the Kitchen:

Super Bowl food/snacks:  i.e, walking tacos, cheese fries, dirt dessert, Puppy Chow etc.

In the Craft Basket:

I'm working on a plush "Dino Nugget" for a coworker to give to her daughter.  I have one side of it completed and would like to get it finished before I go back to work on Wednesday.

Picture(s) from the Camera

Prayer Requests

~Winter traveling safety.

~I need to get into a good routine of work, home and self-care.  I've been a bit scattered lately and need to find my self-discipline again.  Pray for me as I work on this.  (continued as I'm still feeling scattered when it comes to balancing everything.)

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders.  (continued)

Bible Verse

"If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing. "

I Corinthians 13:1-3

Have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. Love the crockput buffet counter! Will look for those books. Have a great week


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