Sunday, March 9, 2025

Happy Homemaker ~ 3/9/2025

Hosted by Diary of a SAHM.

I'm so excited that it is almost 7:30pm and it's just now getting dark!  I'm beyond ready for the long evenings of Spring/Summer :)

I just got back from evening Church services where we're studying Luke 11 and the Model Prayer.  It has me thinking a lot about my prayer life.  Does anyone reading this write your prayers?  I'm debating starting a prayer journal to help me be more intentional with my prayers.  Let me know your thoughts.

Now on with the post!


The weather outside is:

Just look at these temperatures!  I got my Spring/Summer dresses out to start wearing to work :)

On the to-do list:

Other than Church, I didn't really do much.  I took a Sunday Afternoon Nap (yes, it should be capitalized!) .  They are one of my absolute favorite things to do!  This evening the hubby and I went for a little drive before evening Church and now I'm back home and writing this post.

Happening this week:

Monday (3/10) ~ I work 10am-5pm.  Weigh-in for my Weekly Weigh In post.  I'm not really excited about it this week as I'm pretty certain I'll have a gain :(

Tuesday (3/11) ~ I'm off work and will be making phone calls, working on market prep items, reading and a secret project that I can't share yet.  It will be the second Tuesday of the month, so we have Harvesters Class at Church in the evening for a potluck, Bible lesson and monthly meeting.  

Wednesday (3/12) ~ I work 10am-5pm.  Prayer Meeting and Bible Study is at 6:30pm so I have just enough time to get home, eat and head out again.

Thursday (3/13) ~ I'm off work on Thursday but I have a PCP appointment at 10am for my regular medication check.  It is also pay-day and I'll have all the "accounting" do to with the family finances (a necessary evil!).

Friday (3/14) ~ I work 10am-5pm.  I'll try to get started on the laundry so I don't have to do it all on Saturday.

Saturday (3/15) ~ Possible day for grocery shopping, laundry and cleaning around the house.

Currently reading:

I'm listening to "Beyond Ivy Walls" by Rachel Fordham, the March selection of the Good for the Soul Women's Book Club.  March 27th at 8pm EST is our Zoom Chat about the book.

I haven't listened/read all week.  As well as having the audiobook of "Beyond Ivy Walls" I also downloaded the ebook.  I'm hoping to dig in some more this week.  I think I'm on Chapter 6 so just getting into the book.

Listening to:

I'm currently listening to KLOVE as I'm writing this post.  I usually share a specific song but can't remember what I've already shared.  Did I share "A Lil Church" by  TobyMac yet?  I guess I could look back but I just don't have the umption in my gumption right now...


We started watching "Extracted" (or is it Extraction), which look promising.  "Farmer Wants a Wife" will be coming back on for Season 3 on March 20th so I'll be tuning in to that.  So much better than The Bachelor in my opinion.

In the Kitchen:

Nothing too spectacular this week...

In the Craft Basket:

I took the week off from crafting to try to get my  cro-jo back.  I'm toying with the idea of making a "Book Blanket" which is where I would crochet a Granny square to match the cover of the books I read for the year.  I haven't quite decided yet if I'm going to.

Picture(s) from the Camera

Clover sunning her belly in the beautiful afternoon sunshine :)

Prayer Requests

~My Dad has to have a heart valve replacement.  I would appreciate your prayers that they can replace the valve using the minimally invasive procedure and that they won't have to do open heart surgery. (continued)

~My weight loss journey.

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders.  (continued)

Bible Verse

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much."

James 5:16

Have a great week!


Thursday, March 6, 2025

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 3/6/2025

All things bookish!

What I Finished:

What I'm Reading/Listening:

"Beyond Ivy Walls" by Rachel Fordham is the March selection for the Good for the Soul Women's Bookclub.


Beauty and the Beast meets A Light Between Oceans in historic small-town America where a wealthy reclusive bachelor and an unlikely ally join forces to solve a family secret and inadvertently find belonging along the way.

Early 1900s. When an accident leaves Sadie West's family in dire financial need, she nervously leaves the land she loves to work in the Hoag duster factory. But sending all her money home means that she has nowhere to board, and she's forced to take up residence in an abandoned building--a choice that throws her in the path of the town's mysterious bachelor.

Recently returned from exile, and determined to keep his arrival a secret, Otis Taylor makes the impulsive decision to hire the woman he finds hiding on his family's property with the strict instructions she tell no one he has returned. The dark halls of his boyhood flood him with memories he's long tried to forget. The only bright light is the woman he has hired. Can the optimistic Sadie teach the wounded Otis to trust again? To love? Can the pair unravel the family secrets that have long cast a shadow over the mansion and those who reside within?

With the same heart as Rachel Fordham's fan-loved previous historical novels, Beyond Ivy Walls takes readers on an emotional journey full of character development, historical nuance, and a deeply satisfying happily ever after.


What I'll (Probably) Read/Listen Next:

I started listening to "When the Day Comes" by Gabrielle Meyer a few weeks ago and would like to get back to it next.  I saw the cover reveal for the author's next release and it looks amazing.  I have some catching up to do with this series!


How will she choose, knowing all she must sacrifice?

Libby has been given a powerful gift: to live one life in 1774 Colonial Williamsburg and the other in 1914 Gilded Age New York City. When she falls asleep in one life, she wakes up in the other. While she's the same person at her core in both times, she's leading two vastly different lives.

In Colonial Williamsburg, Libby is a public printer for the House of Burgesses and the Royal Governor, trying to provide for her family and support the Patriot cause. The man she loves, Henry Montgomery, has his own secrets. As the revolution draws near, both their lives--and any hope of love--are put in jeopardy.

Libby's life in 1914 New York is filled with wealth, drawing room conversations, and bachelors. But the only work she cares about--women's suffrage--is discouraged, and her mother is intent on marrying her off to an English marquess. The growing talk of war in Europe only complicates matters.


It’s been eight years since hairstylist Lacy Brown drove into town in her ancient pink Cadillac and set the town on the map. Now, she’s hired a new stylist, Izzy Cranberry, who is happy to be in the town that’s made history with its everlasting “Wives Wanted Campaign” that is still running even now. But she’s not looking, she’s just intrigued by her two sweet grandmothers who’ve followed the story of Mule Hollow from the beginning until they took their last breaths and left her to fulfill their dream of moving to the tiny town for them… Unable to disappoint them, she’s here—but not for long. Just to let her grams watch from above as she joins Lacy Brown Matlock in Heavenly Inspirations fixing hair—not being a match made by the Matchmakers of Mule Hollow.

Styling is all she’s here for…and maybe a laugh or two from the legendary matchmakers who sit in her styling chair and think they have her on their target board.

Horse trainer Luc Asher has taken a job in the town he’s heard a lot about but has no plan to be one of the “matches”. He’s a loner, with good reason, and as far from looking for love as a man can get.

Making him the perfect target…at least that’s what Esther Mae, Norma Sue, and Adela, the town matchmakers, believe the moment he strides into Sam’s Diner looking as handsome and alone as a man shouldn’t be.


Book Haul:


Book Blogger Hop:

Q.  What fantasy or Sci-fi should be part of the literary canon? (submitted by Snapdragon @ Snapdragon Alcove)

A.  This may be an unpopular opinion but I don't like/read fantasy or Sci-fi.  Therefore, I really can't answer this question.


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Colletta Is Losing It! ~ Weekly Weigh In #1 ~ 3/4/2025

If you've not read my "Colletta Is Losing It! ~ A Fresh Start" post, please go HERE to check it out.  It is a post where I explain what is going on with my health/wellness journey as well as my plan of action.


So far I haven't been able to get the Zepbound to help with weight loss.  Even though my insurance approved it, my charge was still going to be over $1000/month.  I just can't afford that.  I'm going to call my PCP when I'm off work on Thursday to see what can be done next.

For now, I'll be going the diet/exercise route only.

I'm fairly pleased with my results so far.

My tracking week will be Monday through Sunday.  Here are some stats:

Weigh in #1:  Goal -1lb/week

Highest Weight ~ 301.6 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 301.6

This Week's Weight ~ 293.2

This Week's Total:  -8.4 lbs

*Grand Total: -8.4 lbs

Exercise Week #1 : Goal 3 X 30min/week

Monday ~ 30 minutes ~ Treadmill

Tuesday ~ 45 minutes ~ Walking Outside

Wednesday ~ N/A

Thursday ~ 45 minutes ~ Walking Outside

Friday ~ N/A

Saturday ~ N/A

Sunday ~ N/A

This Week's Total:  120 minutes

*Grand Total: 120 minutes

If anyone would like to join along, please do so!  I need all the encouragement I can get!

Top Ten Tuesday ~ First Lines ~ 3/4/2025


This week's topic is:

Things Characters Have Said (Maybe a character said something really profound or romantic or hilarious or heartbreaking. You could share witty one-liners, mic-drop moments, snippets of funny dialogue between multiple characters, catchphrases, quotes that have become a part of pop culture–like “May the odds be ever in your favor.”, etc.)

All I can think of are movie quotes so instead I'll be featuring:

Ten Great First Lines

Enjoy :)


"If you lean out any farther, you'll wind up in the drink.  Which, I suppose, would be a fitting end to this disaster of a trip."


Death prowled the cellblock like a dark animal seeking prey--especially the weakest.


Gossamer light filtered through overhanging branches weighted with snow.


A twig snapped.


"He stood in the middle of his secret room, staring at walls covered with old newspaper clippings."


Have you ever wondered why your children just can't seem to put their toys away "right" or why your husband doesn't put his dirty clothes in the hamper, no matter how often you remind him?


Wyatt Marshall hadn't come all the way to Russia only to fail.


"What if this is as good as it gets?"


He vigorously scrubbed the blood off the floor, off the wall, and off her body.  But no amount of bleach could cleanse the filth of the heart.  That is why she had to die.


At the sound of a footfall behind her, Cady Matthew's back muscles tightened faster than a mousetrap snapping its prey.


Please leave a comment with the link to your Top Ten Tuesday post so I can return the visit :)

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Happy Homemaker ~ 3/2/2025

Hosted by Diary of a SAHM.

Happy March, everyone!!!

I am beyond excited to be done with January and February.  I'm even more excited that we get to Spring Forward Saturday night!

Sickness has really hit our household hard this Winter.  I'm much improved but now my Mom and Dad are down with whichever virus it is.  I can't wait to open the windows and air the house out.  Fresh air does wonders for the body and mind.

Let's get on with it, shall we?


The weather outside is:

We had a few really nice days last week and I was actually able to go outside for my walk on 2 different days. go cold again.  16F was the temperature when I left for Church this morning.

On the to-do list:

This morning was Church.  I spent the afternoon just relaxing and not getting much done except talking to the hubby.  In a bit, I'll be leaving for Sunday evening Bible Study.  I didn't get the laundry folded or the floors mopped like I wanted to.  OH well, they'll keep for another day...

Happening this week:

Monday (3/3) ~ I work 10am-5pm.  Maybe I'll get to that laundry in the evening.

Tuesday (2/25) ~ I'm off work and will be working on market prep items.  The Spring Fling Market is only 1 month away.  I'm getting nervous/excited.  I can't tell which one, really.  I'll also be posting my Weekly Weigh In Post by Tuesday (possibly Monday).

Wednesday (3/5) ~ I work 10am-5pm.  Prayer Meeting and Bible Study is at 6:30pm so I have just enough time to get home, eat and head out again.

Thursday (3/6) ~ I'm off work on Thursday's so I'll be trying to get some things done around the house such as making a menu, grocery shopping, bills, errands etc. (Hopefully the floors were mopped earlier in the week!)

Friday (3/7) ~ Work 10am-5pm. I might participate in some Reading Sprints with Paperbacks and Ponytails a booktuber I follow.  I think she starts them at 7pm but I could be wrong. 

Saturday (3/8) ~ Saturday's are the only day I get to "sleep in" and I always wake up early anyway.  Go figure!  I plan on spending the day working around the house.  Cleaning and laundry (again) and also make sure my planner is all filled in and ready to go for the next week.

Currently reading:

I'm listening to "Beyond Ivy Walls" by Rachel Fordham, the March selection of the Good for the Soul Women's Book Club.  March 27th at 8pm EST is our Zoom Chat about the book.

We had our discussion this past Friday evening for "You're Not Enough (and that's okay)" by Allie Beth Stuckey.  We had a great time and it was so encouraging talking to other Christian women with similar interests.

Listening to:


I haven't watched any TV this week...again...

In the Kitchen:

I spent more time in the kitchen this week.  I made homemade strawberry shortcake for dessert one night.  I also threw together a Crock Pot Garlic Beef and Potato recipe I found on Facebook.

In the Craft Basket:

I made a few more turtles and am almost done with another octopus.  I'm starting to fizzle out on the crochet frenzy but I only have 1 month to create more items for the market.  Hopefully, I'll renew my vigor this week.  My list of to-makes is getting smaller so that is good :)

Picture(s) from the Camera

I got this super pretty, Spring-y mug at the Dollar General for $3.  I love it and have been drinking my tea from it every evening :)

Prayer Requests

~My Dad has to have a heart valve replacement.  I would appreciate your prayers that they can replace the valve using the minimally invasive procedure and that they won't have to do open heart surgery.

~My weight loss journey.

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders.  (continued)

Bible Verse

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

Philippians 4:6

Have a great week!


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Book Review ~ You're Not Enough (and that's okay) by Allie Beth Stuckey ~ 3/1/2025


Title:   "You're Not Enough (and that's okay)" by Allie Beth Stuckey
Series:  N/A
Format:  Hardcover
Date Published:  May 5, 2020
Publisher:   Sentinel
Stars: ****


Is your quest to love yourself more actually making you miserable?

We're told that the key to happiness is self-love. Instagram influencers, mommy bloggers, self-help gurus, and even Christian teachers promise that if we learn to love ourselves, we'll be successful, secure, and complete. But the promise doesn't deliver. Instead of feeling fulfilled, our pursuit of self-love traps us in an exhausting as we strive for self-acceptance, we become addicted to self-improvement.

The truth is we can't find satisfaction inside ourselves because we are the problem. We struggle with feelings of inadequacy because we are inadequate. Alone, we are not good enough, smart enough, or beautiful enough. We're not enough--period. And that's okay, because God is.

The answer to our insufficiency and insecurity isn't self-love, but God's love. In Jesus, we're offered a way out of our toxic culture of self-love and into a joyful life of relying on him for wisdom, satisfaction, and purpose. We don't have to wonder what it's all about anymore. This is it.

This book isn't about battling your not-enoughness; it's about embracing it. Allie Beth Stuckey, a Christian, conservative new mom, found herself at the dead end of self-love, and she wants to help you combat the false teachings and self-destructive mindsets that got her there. In this book, she uncovers the myths popularized by our culture of trendy narcissism, reveals where they manifest in politics and the church, and dismantles them with biblical truth and practical wisdom.

My Thoughts:

  This book was the February 2025 selection for the Good for the Soul Women's Book Club.  It was our first non-fiction book for the Club.  This was also a Read-A-Long where we discussed our weekly selections via chat.  So much fun!

I had never even heard of Allie Beth Stuckey before reading this, her debut book.  I have to say that I agreed with almost everything she wrote and stands for which was a pleasant surprise.

The book is broken into seven sections:

Myth #1:  You Are Enough
Myth 2:  You Determine Your Truth
Myth 3: You're Perfect the Way You Are
Myth #4:  You're Entitled to Your Dreams
Myth #5:  You Can't Love Others Until You Love Yourself

There were so many "nuggets" that I tabbed and tabbed and tabbed.  I had so many favorite quotes that I'm not even going to try to pick and choose but I did particularly enjoy Myth #4 as it really resonated with me.

Allie Beth Stuckey backed her concepts up with Scripture which I loved!  The Conclusion was particularly well-written.  We don't have to be enough, because God is enough.  "He is LORD.  The Great I Am.  Our Creator, Sustainer, Reconciler, and Hope.  He is a King to be worshiped and  Leader to be followed.  He does not exist for us, but we exist for Him." pg 191

If your interest is the least bit piqued, I suggest that you read this book.  You won't be disappointed.  I'll definitely be checking out her second book "Toxic Empathy".

Onto the next book :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 2/27/2025

All things bookish!

What I Finished:

I finished listening to "Alaska Twilight" by Colleen Coble.  You can read my review HERE!

I also finished reading "You're Not Enough (and that's okay) by Allie Beth Stuckey.  I haven't posted my review yet.  I'm going to wait until after the Good for the Woman's Soul Book Club discussion on 2/28/2025.  So be watching for my review on 3/1/2025 :)


What I'm Reading/Listening:

"Beyond Ivy Walls" by Rachel Fordham is the March selection for the Good for the Soul Women's Bookclub.  I'm going to be listening to the audiobook while I market prep for a Spring Fling Vendor show that is taking place in early April.  I'm really looking forward to this book!


Beauty and the Beast meets A Light Between Oceans in historic small-town America where a wealthy reclusive bachelor and an unlikely ally join forces to solve a family secret and inadvertently find belonging along the way.

Early 1900s. When an accident leaves Sadie West's family in dire financial need, she nervously leaves the land she loves to work in the Hoag duster factory. But sending all her money home means that she has nowhere to board, and she's forced to take up residence in an abandoned building--a choice that throws her in the path of the town's mysterious bachelor.

Recently returned from exile, and determined to keep his arrival a secret, Otis Taylor makes the impulsive decision to hire the woman he finds hiding on his family's property with the strict instructions she tell no one he has returned. The dark halls of his boyhood flood him with memories he's long tried to forget. The only bright light is the woman he has hired. Can the optimistic Sadie teach the wounded Otis to trust again? To love? Can the pair unravel the family secrets that have long cast a shadow over the mansion and those who reside within?

With the same heart as Rachel Fordham's fan-loved previous historical novels, Beyond Ivy Walls takes readers on an emotional journey full of character development, historical nuance, and a deeply satisfying happily ever after.


What I'll (Probably) Read/Listen Next:

I started listening to "When the Day Comes" by Gabrielle Meyer a few weeks ago and would like to get back to it next.  I saw the cover reveal for the author's next release and it looks amazing.  I have some catching up to do with this series!


How will she choose, knowing all she must sacrifice?

Libby has been given a powerful gift: to live one life in 1774 Colonial Williamsburg and the other in 1914 Gilded Age New York City. When she falls asleep in one life, she wakes up in the other. While she's the same person at her core in both times, she's leading two vastly different lives.

In Colonial Williamsburg, Libby is a public printer for the House of Burgesses and the Royal Governor, trying to provide for her family and support the Patriot cause. The man she loves, Henry Montgomery, has his own secrets. As the revolution draws near, both their lives--and any hope of love--are put in jeopardy.

Libby's life in 1914 New York is filled with wealth, drawing room conversations, and bachelors. But the only work she cares about--women's suffrage--is discouraged, and her mother is intent on marrying her off to an English marquess. The growing talk of war in Europe only complicates matters.

But Libby knows she's not destined to live two lives forever. On her twenty-first birthday, she must choose one path and forfeit the other--but how can she choose when she has so much to lose in each life?


Book Haul:


Book Blogger Hop:

Q.  How much time does blogging take out of your life weekly? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

A.  Probably a few hours, at least.  I've recently started listening to audiobooks, so I'm multi-tasking :)


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to: