
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 9/9/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.

The weather outside is:

The weather has been glorious!  I walk outside and all I can think is how beautiful it is.  It looks like the week ahead has some higher temperatures during the day which is typical of September.  I love September :)

On today's to-do list:

Nothing too out of the normal for a Monday.  I do want to get the floors done as I skipped over them this weekend.  I also need to remember to call my PCP about a medication refill.

Happening this week:

I'm going to be switching jobs.  I should be hearing this week when my start date is for my new job.  This job requires no weekends and no holidays.  It is part-time and will be only 3 days a week.  It is a clerical position in a medical office so I'm hoping it goes well :)  Many thanks to those who have been praying for my work situation.  I really hated working when the rest of the family was off but I especially hated working Sunday mornings and missing Church.

Other than that I don't have anything major going on this week.  Just the regular daily activities.

Currently reading:

I signed up for another JustRead Publicity book review Blog Tour to read Inferno by Lisa Phillips.  My book review is due October 2nd but I like to get review books read first.  My reading goal is to read at least 1 book a week.  This past week I finished 2!  You can read My Weekly Bookishness post HERE.

I've discovered Reading Sprints on youtube and have participated in 2 of them so far.  Basically, it is a LIVE where there is discussion and chit-chatting and then you have a reading sprint of a certain amount of time.  After that time is over, there is more discussion.  Everyone is reading whatever they want but reading together.  I'm not sure if I've described that very well, but I really enjoyed myself and got a lot of reading done.

Paperback and Ponytails hosted the first one I "attended".  I think she hosts sprints on Friday evenings.  I've just discovered her channel this week, but really enjoy her videos.

Listening to:

I love Lauren Daigle and Ellie Holcomb and was really excited when I heard "Be Okay" is both of them singing together!  I hope you enjoy!


It is currently Sunday at 3:30pm when I'm writing this post.  Therefore the Steelers VS Falcons game is on.  The score is 15-10 with the Steelers on the top.  There is still some time left in the game so we'll see what happens.

Last evening, the hubby and I sat together and watched a movie on Prime.  I'm pretty sure the name was "The Hero Dog" about an Alaskan Malamute named Chinook.  It was family friendly and pretty good.

In the Kitchen:

Last Monday was Labor Day, so Kaylee stopped by for a visit.  Nate had requested Cheesy Bacon Potato Soup for Dinner so we put Kaylee to work peeling potatoes :)  It was good to spend some quality time with her.

Instead of making Apple Pie, Mom and I decided to make Apple Cobbler.  It was quicker than making crust and rolling it out and we also were running low on flour and I didn't want to have to make a trip to the store on an "at-home" day.

One other night for dinner, I made homemade Pizza with homemade crust.  If anyone would like the recipe for the crust, let me know and I'll post it.

For dessert on Friday, I made Peanut Butter Fudge.  This recipe makes the absolute best fudge I've ever had!  Again, if you'd like the recipe let me know.

The last item from the Kitchen that I'm sharing today are rolls :)  They are NOT homemade in the fact that they were frozen dough balls.  I did have to sit them out to thaw, raise and then bake :)  No recipe there, although I've often been tempted to learn how to make bread/rolls, etc.  How about you?  Do you make bread or take the easy way out like I do?

In the Craft Basket:

I have 9/35 blocks finished for the Japanese Fields Afghan.  The second picture shows you that I have all the ends to weave in yet.  I try to weave the ends every few blocks but I lost my weaving needle!  I did remember to pick up another pack of yarn needles when I went shopping Saturday so now I want to weave the current loose ends in before starting any more blocks.

Picture(s) from the Camera

I found Flynn sleeping on the bed all curled up.  Too cute!

Clover was taking advantage of the sunlight for her nap :)

The roses are coming back beautifully.

Our house :)

The hubby and I are starting to take walks (hopefully daily).  This is the road in front of our house.  There is just something about roads and paths that I think are really pretty.

Check out #21.  That is "little" Dex in his first Junior High Football Game.  He is one of the youngest on the team but got to play the entire time.  He even scored a touchdown!  Go, DEX!!!!

Prayer Requests

~Please pray for safety and traveling mercies for Kaylee as she travels to Orlando, FL for a work trip next week.  I'm so nervous about it.  She has to drive the 2 hour drive to Pittsburgh to catch her flight to Orlando, fly to Orlando and then drive from the Orlando airport to her hotel.  Did I mention that I'm nervous?!?  She might be 23 years old and out on her own, but she's still my baby and I'll be glad when she gets home safely!

~Laken is now taking 4 college courses.  Please pray that she does well with them and that she stays healthy.  (continued)

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all those going back to school.  I hated hearing about the school shooting that occurred in GA last week.  Please pray for all those who were impacted.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders and the Election coming in November.  (continued)

Bible Verse

Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; may Your good Spirit lead me on level ground. "  Psalm 143:10 NIV

Have a great week!



  1. Never heard of the reading sprints, will look that up. Wishing weel to Kaylee for her trip. I prefer cobbler to pie and no I do not bake the rolls. Have a great week

    1. The reading sprint was a fun way to connect with other readers! I really enjoyed it and will participate again.

  2. What a lovely road and area to walk - so pretty! Ironically me baking from scratch has more to do with the season - I tend to use short cuts in the summertime. Good luck on the job change. I hope all goes well. Have a lovely week.

  3. What great pictures you shared, from food, to kitties and pretty places and crochet. Wonderful! Hope your new job goes well! Have a blessed week! ♥

  4. Wonderful photos! such a pretty path to walk on and soon the leaves will turn making it even a more stunning sight!

  5. Love your crochet squares, and enjoyed reading this lovely post! Thanks for joining in on Home Matters Linky Party! I will be featuring your post this week! #HomeMattersParty xx


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