
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Book Review ~ Sea View and Something New by Kay Lyons ~ 9/11/2024


Title:   Sea View and Something New by Kay Lyons
Series:  Carolina Cove Book #5
Pages:  220
Date Published: March 7, 2023
Publisher:  Kindred Spirits Publishing
Stars:  ***


Sophia Shipley will do pretty much anything to keep her secrets secret until she’s ready to reveal them to her family. Coming back to Carolina Cove in disgrace is hard enough, but that doesn’t compare to knowing all of her hard work and career advances were for nothing. Her job in finance, her life in the financial sector, is gone due to the whispers of fraud now attached to her name. She has to start over from scratch and she has no idea where to begin…

Dawson Blackwell can’t believe his luck. He’d finally managed to buy out the awful neighbor next door and renovate the rundown cottage for a rental only to discover his childhood nemesis to be its first guest. From rivals in the classroom to enemies on the debate team and competitors for class president, he and Sophia had butted heads at every turn. But as neighbors and unlikely friends, he finds himself battling a different kind of intensity towards the grown-up version of the spoiled rich girl he’d known.

They say opposites attract but when Dawson finds himself going after the same job as Sophia, will their competitive personalities lead to a show down—or will their forbidden love lead to something else entirely?

My Thoughts:

I was a bit disappointed in this book.  Not that it wasn't a good read, but I was expecting more.  At least more about Sophia and Dawson.

There were almost two story lines going at once throughout the entire book.  Sophia and Dawson.  AND Allie and Brooks.  Allie is Sophia's sister who is married to Dawson's brother, Brooks.

There was a good bit of overlapping of the story lines but for some reason I just wanted more Sophia and Dawson.  I felt like the romance between them was a bit rushed and skipped over.

I felt that this could be two completely separate books.

Sea View and Something New is the 5th book in the Carolina Cove series and while there are mentions of people that I'm sure were in previous books, this book can be read as a stand-alone.

This book is NOT a Christian/Inspirational read although it is fairly clean with only a bit of spice.

I read this as a free Amazon download to my Kindle.

Onto the next book :)

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