Monday, August 5, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 8/5/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.  

I can't believe it is August 5th already!  Only a little over 2 weeks until school starts for Laken's Senior Year.  It will be Fall before we know it!  In a way I'm looking forward to Fall.  Then I start thinking that Winter follows Fall and I'm not quite so ready.  

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

It has been as hot as ever but at least we did get a few rain showers this past week.  Today was in the 90's and when I got into my car after work it was actually hard to breathe until the AC started kicking in.  After today, it is supposed to start cooling off and we're to get some much needed rain.

On today's to-do list: 

Monday's to-do are:

~Work 10am-4pm
~Fold and put away laundry

I try to keep the days I work with a minimum of to-do's.  That way I feel like I've accomplished my "list" and can always add on to it if I feel like it.  If I don't feel like adding anything, I can relax and just spend time with the family.

I did want to color my hair this evening, but when it came time to actually do it I didn't feel like dealing with the mess I usually make.  I think I'll move it to tomorrow's list and see if my Aunt Donna will apply the color for me.  Less mess that way!

Happening this week:

I work Monday 10-4pm; Tuesday 10-4pm; Wednesday 10-4pm, Thursday 10-4pm; Friday Off; Saturday 10-4pm and Sunday off.

Friday, even though I'm off work, will be a busy day.  Laken has an appointment in Altoona in the morning and then we have to be back to meet with her guidance counselor at 2pm.  I also want to go grocery shopping so that I can get that done on my day off.

I'm really liking the fact that I've had Sunday off the past few weeks.  I'm hoping that trend continues.

Currently reading:

I didn't even touch "Living Slower" this week :(  I only have a few more chapters to go.  Hopefully I'll finish it soon.

Listening to:

I heard this song by Lauren Daigle and Ellie Holcomb for the first time on my way home this afternoon.  I love both of these artists and LOVE that they have teamed up for this song.  The words and music are so pretty.  I hope you enjoy!


I started watching a movie on Freevee called "Fabric of Christmas" at my hubby's recommendation.  (Yes, he loves these movies!)  I usually don't enjoy watching Christmas movies in the summer, but this one is centered around fabric, quilting and being creative so I decided to give it a go.  I should NOT be watching a movie where they are fabric shopping and adding to their "stash"!  It made me want to buy fabric!

I have also been watching a lot of YouTube videos.  I came across "Wills Mountain Homestead" through a friend and am so excited!  Wendy, the creator, lives within 10-15 minutes from me and I had no idea that she had a YouTube channel.  I watched a few of her videos and can't wait to take some time to go back and watch more!  I hope you'll check out Wendy's channel and give her some love :)

In the Kitchen:

I decided to switch up the title of this section to "In the Kitchen" instead of just being about what is for supper.  I REALLY want to get back into the kitchen and create some deliciousness.

I was talking to a very nice woman today at work who was buying ingredients to make Butterscotch Zucchini Bread including Butterscotch pudding!  I told her I have made regular Zucchini Bread and Chocolate Zucchini Bread but I'd never heard of Butterscotch Zucchini Bread.  I did a quick search and found THIS RECIPE that I'd like to try.

Have you even made Butterscotch Zucchini Bread?  If so do you have a favorite recipe?

In the Craft Basket:

I bought yarn...  When we went school shopping on Saturday I made the "mistake" of popping into Hobby Lobby to just "look".   I came across this beautiful skein of variegated yarn called "Japanese Fields" and fell in love.  I decided to use the variegated yarn as color inspiration for an afghan.  I pulled the ivory, light sage and hot rose colors and bought 3 skeins of each one!

I decided to use the Primavera Flowers Granny Square and am loving how the light sage looks like leaves around the flower petals.  I'm trying to decide if I should border each square in the hot rose color before joining them.  What do you think?

Picture from the Camera

Kaylee wants to learn a second language and wants company so we bought this Spanish workbook.  I actually had 2 years of Spanish in high school as it was a requirement way back when.   I'm remembering more than I thought I would but it is going to take some work to actually be able to "speak" the language.  I don't get to spend much time with Kaylee anymore so I'm glad to be working on a project together.

Bible Verse

"Set a guard O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips."  Psalm 141:3 NKJV

Have a great week!



  1. Starting on the 19th, I'll have actual days at home so I think that's good advice: not to have a long to-do list on the days I do have work. I'll be on campus teaching on T/R 9-3:30.

  2. I will go view the youtube channel as soon as I leave here. Hoping you get a great week ahead of you.


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