
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/29/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY (almost) Monday.  I'm writing this post Sunday night as I've finally gotten a few moments to sit down and relax.  Tomorrow is another busy day even though I'm "off".  

We had a great time camping!  It was perfect camping weather.  Even though we desperately need the rain, it was dry and the temperatures weren't unbearable.  In fact, it was very chilly by the time 4am rolled around.  I ended up pulling the covers over my head to get my ears and nose warm while sleeping!

We were all a little sad when it came time to tear down our campsite and we decided that next time we need to go for more than just 2 nights.  I'll share some pictures below.

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

It looks like it is going to be a warm week although the forecast is showing some much needed rain.  I mentioned last week how the grass is brown and crunchy and it has just gotten worse as time has gone on.  How is it in your area?  Has it been as dry as it has been here? 

On today's to-do list: 

Monday's to-do are:

~Sleep in
~Sweep and mop floors
~Call Laken's Guidance Counselor again as I haven't received a return call.
~Go to the bank
~Fold and put away laundry

Happening this week:

I'm working Tuesday 10-4, Wednesday 7-1, Thursday 7-1 and Friday 10-4.  I'm off Saturday and Sunday.

Other than that it is a pretty normal week with prayer meeting and Bible study midweek and the Angel Picnic on Saturday at 11am-1pm.  At first I thought I was going to have to work Saturday and miss the picnic but my manager changed my schedule.  My schedule being changed has happened at least 3 times and I've only been working there for 4 weeks.  I really hope this isn't how it keeps going.  I like to plan out my week and having it change constantly isn't making me happy...  At least this time it worked out to my benefit.

Currently reading:

I took my book along with me camping and actually got a few chapters read.  I think I only have a few chapters left to read.  It will be my first finished book of 2024 which is absolutely amazing to me.  I remember the days when I would read a book every 2 days and sometimes I'd finish a book in 1 day if I was REALLY into it!  

Listening to:

This song is a few years old and I hadn't heard it for a long time.  It was playing on KLOVE on my way home today and I enjoyed singing along.  Truth be told, how are you?


I haven't watched much this week as we weren't home.  What I'm not watching is the Olympics.  I'm just going to leave it at that.

On the menu today:

Wiener Winks and French Fries

In the Craft Basket:

I almost bought yarn the other evening.  The hubby was in the sporting goods section of the store and I was just perusing the craft section.  The yarn called to me!  I haven't picked up a hook in probably 1.5 months or more but I had the urge to start crocheting an afghan.  I resisted the inclination and told myself that I need to go "shopping" in my stash first.  I think I'd like to make another scrappy granny square afghan so I think I have plenty of yarn to do that.  If I have to supplement with a few skeins then I'll do that.

Picture from the Camera

Camping pictures as promised!

Bible Verse

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  James 4:8 NKJV

Have a great week!



  1. I may have to check out that book. I am always in a hurry and rushing and I probably do need to slow down!

  2. I've heard good things about that book!
    I retired from Special ed Prek teaching last June so my days now are thankfully a LOT slower.
    We used to camp!! We sold our pop up when our girls were 16 and 11 as they no longer really wanted to go. I kind of miss it but I must confess that renting cottages now is super sweet :)
    I hope your work schedule works out.
    happy weekend!


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