
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Happy Homemaker ~ 7/23/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

I realize it is Tuesday but I wanted to post about being a Happy Homemaker today.

I used to participate in this linkup on a weekly basis before becoming a working wife/mom.  Working outside the home, that is.  But then, I was feeling a little odd because I wasn't considering myself a homemaker in the traditional sense of the word.  Because I had an outside job.

HOWEVER, I've recently had a change of heart.  For one thing, I'm still a homemaker doing all the homemaker things.  I still have a heart for home.  So here I am.  Writing this post and hoping that I'm welcome.

When I went back to work 2 years ago, I was working full-time in an office.  I had a very rigid schedule and even though I had PTO I still felt very STUCK in my work schedule.  About a month ago, I decided that full-time working wasn't, well, working.  For me, at least.  I decided to resign that very lucrative but time-consuming position and look for a part-time job.

About 2 1/2 weeks ago I started working at my current position of a Customer Assistance Associate (AKA cashier) at a local market.  I know it doesn't sound like the most glamorous job but it is flexible and part-time.  Time will tell if it is the job for me physically, financially and most-of-all mentally!  At this point I'm praying for daily guidance and strength and would appreciate your prayers as well.

Okay!  Enough of that!

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

It has been SO hot and dry here in Southern Pennsylvania for the past many, many weeks.  The grass is brown and crunchy because it is so dry.  We have gotten a few sporadic showers the past few days but nothing like what we need.

On today's to-do list: 

This is day 2 of a 4-day work stretch.  So far I've only worked 2-3 days in a row.  Standing the whole shift and being VERY busy makes for a long 6 hours with only a 15 minute break.  I actually don't mind working 4 days in a row because I then have a 4 day "vacation"!

~Work 10am-4pm
~Sweep floors

Happening this week:

As mentioned, I still have 2 more days to work this week.  I work 7am-1pm Wednesday and Thursday, but then I'm off for 4 days.  I had requested Friday off because we are going camping Thursday and Friday night.  Getting Saturday, Sunday and Monday off were a bonus.  The only thing I'm concerned about is that when I come back from "vacation", I work 5 days in a row.  My feet are going to be killing me!  lol

Other than camping, we'll still have to grocery shop and do laundry probably Saturday afternoon/evening.  Grocery shopping could probably wait until Monday but not the laundry.

I also need to make an appointment with Laken's guidance counselor to make sure everything is in place for ...SENIOR YEAR!  Laken is going to be doing what is called "Senior Challenge" which is basically taking a few morning classes in school and then leaving early to work on college courses.  The college courses are what we need assistance with the most.  Hopefully the counselor can schedule us to see her on Monday as well.

Currently reading:

I've been ever so slowly reading "Living Slower" by Merissa A. Alink.  I'm on chapter 7 and am enjoying the book but it has just taken a back burner to everything else that has been going on.  Chapter 7 is about creating a useful space which we are currently doing.  We took part of the rather large Family Room and built a small Storage Room.  I can't believe the difference it has made.  The Storage Room is still full of bins and boxes that need to be gone through but the Family Room and Our Bedroom are so much more pleasing to the eye.  I don't feel like the clutter is taking over.  The hubby has worked so hard on this project and I really appreciate his effort!

Listening to:

Anne Wilson was actually at a County Fair near me last Wednesday evening.  I really wish I could have made it to the concert.  I haven't been to a concert in YEARS!  Anne's album is named "REBEL" so I wanted to listen to the title track.  I'm glad I did!  Are you a REBEL?  Enjoy :)


We finally finished up Season 1 of Tracker and I'm excited that the network has renewed the show for at least another season.

We've been watching a lot of Hallmark-ish  movies on Freevee.  They're actually pretty good.  Maybe even better than Hallmark because there is a bigger variety of actors.

I'm still debating if I'm going to be watching the Steelers play football this year.  Pre-season will be ramping up pretty soon.

Youtube videos from a few favorites

On the menu today:

Salisbury Steak, Noodles, Veggie and Strawberries

In the Craft Basket:

I need to pick a new project to start as I don't have any going at the moment.  I'm open to crochet suggestions!

Picture from the Camera

Oliver is getting so big!

Bible Verse

"The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things and the God of peace will be with you."  Philippians 4:9 NASB

Have a great week!


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