
Monday, December 26, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/26/2022

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

I'm feeling much better than I was a week ago.  By last Thursday, I was miserable and was grateful to be able to schedule an appointment with my doctor.  I'm still on antibiotics for a sinus infection but I am much improved.

We had a very Merry Christmas and I hope you did as well!

 Now, on to Happy Homemaker Monday:

The weather outside is:

This is looking like a heat wave!  The lowest we had this past week was -6F.  Friday is looking heavenly!

On today's to-do list: 

~Go to Kohl's to spend Kohl's Cash before it expires.  (done)
~Exercise (time to get back at it!)
~Devotions (done)
~Organize the Family Room

Happening this week:

I'm off of work today but go back Tuesday through Friday. Then I'm off again on Monday for New Year's holiday.

The hubby and Laken are both off all week long.  Some items better be check off the to-do list! :)

We'll most likely get our traditional shrimp for New Year's Eve and then Pork and Sauerkraut for New Year's Day dinner.  What are your traditions to kick the new year off right?

Currently reading:

I'm so excited to say that I finished reading "Joy to the World" on Christmas Day!  It has to be the tiniest little book I've ever read but it is a finish none-the-less!

I'm looking for a "First Book of the Year" book to read.  I'd appreciate any suggestions.  I need a book that will really grab my attention as I've been in a MAJOR reading slump.  I used to devour books and now I can't even get into one enough to make it past the first few chapters.  :(


I'm officially DONE with Hallmark Christmas movies!  I had a good run there for a while but I'm ready for something a bit different.

We watched Top Gun Maverick, Princess and the Frog and Frozen 2 yesterday.  It was a nice relaxing afternoon/evening.

Listening to:

I'm done with Christmas music too!  I love to listen to KLOVE, The Message and The Highway.

On the menu today:

Leftovers from Christmas Dinner

In the Craft Basket:

I'm still (slowly) working on the sweater I'm making for myself.  I haven't picked it up this week though.  Maybe I'll work on it this evening while watching TV.

Picture from the Camera

The hubby and Laken being silly will decorating Christmas Cookies :)

Bible Verse

 "For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope."

Jeremiah 29:11

Have a great Monday!



  1. Thanks Colletta (nice name). I just had to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your blog. The photo you included in the post was absolutely hilarious, it really made me laugh.

    The idea of the Linkparty is really cool, it's like everyone is opening up their doors a little, allowing others to take a look inside. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences.

  2. -6°F is almost a heatwave? LOL. I hate winter, so I actually don't like temperatures below 10°C.

    I'm so happy you finished a book. I really need to get into reading more too.

  3. Sorry you were sick but so glad to read you felt better in time to have a wonderful Christmas. I'm so glad you mentioned your Kohls cash as I probably would've forgotten all about mine if I hadn't read that (did more shopping there than usual for Christmas this year). It's hard being a reading slump, sometimes I just re-read a favorite book if that happens to me. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Glad you are starting to feel better. Funny picture. Have you read Children of the Earth series?
    Small Miracles for Women: Extraordinary Coincidences of Heart and Spirit
    Halberstam, Yitta
    City of Joy
    Eat, pray, love
    Robin Cook books (medical thrillers)
    Wagons West series (pioneers)
    Guillaume Musso books (orignal - love stories)
    Ken Follet - pillars of the Earth series
    Little women
    The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club - Gil McNeil
    Game of thrones
    Anne of Avonlea


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