
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

#2023 Planning Party ~ 2023 Goals and Dreams

I love planning, parties and a new year, so when I saw Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl was hosting a #2023 Planning Party I couldn't resist joining in!

I started working outside the home in August and feel like my life has been a blur since.  Now that I'm getting settled in my new job, I feel like I can set some goals for 2023.  In no particular order, here they are:

1.  Daily Devotional Time ~ This year I'm going to be reading a devotional along with my Mom and my Aunt Donna.  One evening each week, we get together to discuss what we've read and go over any notes we may have taken. We're going to be using "A Little God Time for Women" as a guide for 2023.  My plan is to stay current and up-to-date to the very best of my ability!  I already have a notebook picked out for my notes and am excited to get started on January 1st!

2.  Every year I make plans to  exercise and lose weight.  In 2023, I'd really like to be intentional about making this plan a reality.  I'm going to try to post my weekly results and stats here on Colletta's Kitchen Sink.  If anyone would like to join along, I'd love some accountability partner(s)!

3.  Speaking of blog posts, my next plan is to get back on a blogging schedule.  The second half of 2022 has been really HIT and MISS with my blog.  I'm currently working on a schedule so if there's anything you'd like to see, let me know!

4.  Kate's 15 minutes to Stitch 2023 is the PERFECT inspiration to get back into creating! I enjoy crocheting, sewing, quilting (especially hand-quilting) and have so many projects started.  I'm not going to list them here but I'd like to get the majority of my WIPS finished in 2023.  (I really have no idea how many there are so maybe I should set a goal to organize my projects!)

5.  I only read 16 books in 2022.  To some that might seem like a lot but there were years long ago when I would read at least 3 books per week and wanted to devour even more!  As my spare time has dwindled, I've gotten more selective in my reading.  Maybe I need to branch out.  I don't know what I'll be reading but my plan is to read at least 12 books in 2023.  I'll start with a low number and up it if and when I would read more than that.  I think I'll borrow the 15 minute habit and try to read at least 15 minutes a day.

6.  We've got some milestone birthdays coming up in 2023!  Laken will be turning 16 on 2/2; I'll be turning 45 (yikes) on 3/24 and the Hubby will be turning 55!!!!! on 6/9.  I'm not sure of exact plans (better get a move on Laken's bday plans) but we're going to CELEBRATE!

I think that is it for now!  Those are the main plans, anyway.  I look forward to reading some of the other party participants' plans and maybe adding a few more to my list as I get motivated :)

Thanks for hosting, Yvonne!


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have a lot of fun birthday celebrations to look forward to this year. Kate's 15 minutes a day linkup is such a good motivator for taking some time and those small time chunks really do add up to progress faster than I would have imagined. I hope these goals are helpful guideposts to you throughout the year. All the best to you for 2023!


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