
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Good Stuff ~ 1/27/2022


~The Good and the Bad...Sometimes!  We got Laken's biopsy results and they are all normal!!!  We're still waiting on the allergy results.  We no sooner got the good news than Laken tested positive for COVID :(  The hubby and I both had symptoms also so were told to assume we were positive and quarantine.  Which we did willingly.  We're all perking up now and on the mend :)

~Dahlia!  Dahlia, Kaylee and Shawn's Great Dane pup, is growing like a weed!  I hadn't seen her for a few weeks (quarantine and all that) so I was shocked to see how much she has sprouted when Kaylee sent me a few pictures.  Look at those legs! :)

~Salted Caramel Butterscotch Candle!  Need I say more?  I'm so glad my sense of smell is back :)

~Smores!  Who says you can't have smores in the Winter?  Laken was craving smores, so smores she got.  She toasted her marshmallows over the cookstove fire in the kitchen.   So glad she's feeling better :)

What has you thankful/smiling/exited this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. Covid recovery totally needs smores to get through it!
    Glad Lakin's biopsy results came back good!

  2. That really is wonderful news, hooray Laken. I'm glad the Covid thing is winding down at your place. Dahlia is such a cutie pup. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. So glad you all are recovering and that pup is so adorable!

  4. Glad to hear of your good report! I hope the covid is a mild case and that the rest of you stay well. I love your pup! I know that candle has to smell amazing. I love anything butterscotch!


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