
Thursday, January 27, 2022

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 1/28/2022

All things bookish!

What I Read:

You can read my REVIEW HERE!


What I'm Reading:


He carries the burden of his mistakes.

The wounds on Jason Gonzalez’s body are nothing compared to the ones on his heart. The former Marine avoids getting close to anyone new, especially his gorgeous next-door neighbor. Until he hears a scream coming from her house in the middle of the night.

Her enemies are too numerous to count.

Addison Foster escaped an abusive marriage and has become an advocate for others. When an intruder breaks into her home and nearly kills her, Addison is rescued by an unlikely protector. But the threats against her aren’t over and she needs help.

Danger around every corner.

Jason makes it his mission to keep Addison safe, but keeping her out of his heart proves impossible. As the threats increase, there’s no room for mistakes. Will his calculated risk pay off or will it end in tragedy?

First Lines:

Her cell phone rang.

Addison Foster glanced at the clock on her computer, concern rippling through her.

56%/Page 56

"Threatening me won't help prove your innocence.  You need to leave me alone"


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


In an unforgettable love story, a woman’s impossible journey through the ages could change everything…

Anne Gallagher grew up enchanted by her grandfather’s stories of Ireland. Heartbroken at his death, she travels to his childhood home to spread his ashes. There, overcome with memories of the man she adored and consumed by a history she never knew, she is pulled into another time.

The Ireland of 1921, teetering on the edge of war, is a dangerous place in which to awaken. But there Anne finds herself, hurt, disoriented, and under the care of Dr. Thomas Smith, guardian to a young boy who is oddly familiar. Mistaken for the boy’s long-missing mother, Anne adopts her identity, convinced the woman’s disappearance is connected to her own.

As tensions rise, Thomas joins the struggle for Ireland’s independence and Anne is drawn into the conflict beside him. Caught between history and her heart, she must decide whether she’s willing to let go of the life she knew for a love she never thought she’d find. But in the end, is the choice actually hers to make?


Book Haul:




Book Blogger Hop:

Q.   Have you ever attended a book signing? If so, who was the author? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

A.  No, I have never attended a book signing but I would LOVE to.  I live in the middle of nowhere, though...  Not much goes on around here!


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:


  1. Oh, sorry to see you've never been to a book signing. I love them. I sat with my mouth open the whole time when I went to a signing by Diana Gabaldon. Amazing experience and I'm not even that big a fan.

    So many authors are doing virtual signings these days. You should see if your favorite authors are doing any.

  2. Looks like you have a lot of goo books in your queue. Enjoy. My Friday quotes

  3. I'm very intrigued by the 56. But if you are going to prove my innocence, I'll gladly leave you alone.

  4. Calculated Risk sounds good! It looks like your recent book haul will keep you busy for awhile. I hope you enjoy them.

    Hopefully you will get a chance to attend a book event someday. I've been to a few signings over the years, but nothing recent.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. My first line is from A Heart Adrift by Laura Frantz
    Chapter One. York, Virginia. September 1755
    Chocolate had been Captain Henri Lennox’s one weakness. Was it still?

  6. I have not read Lynn Shannon, I hope you enjoy her. Have a great weekend. My post:

  7. Intriguing 56 and I like the hunky cover!! ;-) Happy weekend!

  8. I rarely get to go to bookish events - that whole middle of nowhere thing. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  9. I'm actually planning a 14 hour road trip to my first convention post-covid which will probably be the first chance to attend signings too.. but maybe not.. maybe an outdoor local event this summer

  10. I've never been to a book signing! Perhaps I'll have to find a way to remedy that. Stop by the blog to see my first line:

  11. My first line is from Her Darling Mr. Day by Grace Hitchcock:
    Happy Reading!

  12. Calculated Risk sounds really good! This week on my blog I featured Life Flight by Lynette Eason: Happy reading! 😊

  13. Lynn Shannon is a new to me author, but now I'm intrigued. Looks like you have lots of good books coming up. Have a great weekend!

  14. What the wind knows has been on my TBR for way too long. I really should start reading it too. Still seems like such a beautiful story. Let us know!

    Have a good week and happy reading!

    Elza Reads

  15. I have a whole board on Pinterest of author signing photos I took. I don't really care about having my books signed but I love meeting authors. I've missed that over the past two years.

    What the Wind Knows has a lovely cover.

  16. I hope you get a chance to go to a book signing, they are so much fun! I can't wait for the day we get to start having them again! You got some great books it looks like, enjoy!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  17. i see a couple i might like too. thanks for sharing some new to me authors
    sherry @ fundinmental

  18. I've been to a couple of book signings while visiting my daughter in NYC. So much fun, but I've also enjoyed virtual bookish events over the past couple of years. Hope you enjoy your books this week!

  19. Mischief Mayhem and Marriage has an interesting cover and title. Happy reading.

  20. I read WHAT THE WIND KNOWS a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I have WHERE THE LOST WANDER (I think that's the's about the Oregon Trail) in my pile to read this coming month. Have a great week! - Melinda @ A Web of Stories

  21. I hope you enjoy your choices

    Wishing you a great reading week

  22. I attended a book signing by Juliet Grames of Soho Crime, who is an editor as well as an author.

  23. I attended a book signing by Soho editor, Juliet Grames (correct spelling), who is also an author. Loved it.

  24. Curious about What the Wjnd Knows! Have a great week.

  25. I've been to many book signings but not since I moved to my retirement home which is also (book-wise) in the middle of nowhere. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  26. I’ve been to a lot of book signings but my favourite was Robin Hobb. I hope you enjoy your new books, they all sound good.

  27. Lots of new books I like the looks of, particularly Calculated Risk.
    I have been to book signings. One while on vacation in Seattle was with Jayne Krentz. :-)
    Have a good week and Happy Reading!


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