
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tuesday 4 ~ Marriage ~ 8/17/2021

Head over to Tuesday's Place for the questions and to visit everyone's answers!

This week let's talk about engagements and marriage okay?

1. If you are married would you share how your husband proposed to you? How long were you engaged before you got married? If you aren't married, what would be ideal for you?

The hubby proposed in a traditional way, down on one knee and everything  :)  We were engaged for 2 months before the wedding!

2. Did you receive an engagement ring? Would you show us or describe it for us?

Yes, I did receive an engagement ring that we went to the jewelry store and picked out together.  It has a large diamond in the middle and 3 small diamonds on each side.

3. What kind of wedding did you have? Was it big or small, formal, informal, religious or justice of the peace. Inquiring minds want to know!

We had a very traditional wedding at our Church.  There were about 125 people in attendance.  I wouldn't say it was formal but not really informal either... :)

4.Was there a honeymoon? Where did you go, how long did you stay? 

We did have a honeymoon!  We went to DISNEY WORLD!!  lol  We stayed for a week :)



  1. Wonderful! I bet a Disney honeymoon was a lot of fun!

  2. Oh how fun, you went to Disney World, grin. Hope you have a beautiful day. smiles

  3. How wonderful! Thanks for joining in. I loved reading your story so much.

  4. Lovely wedding story! Two months to plan a wedding? Wow! You were brave! And how neat that you got to go to Disney World! It wasn't even a "thing" yet when we got married! I think it was developed a couple of years later. We lived in Orlando at the time.


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