
Sunday, August 15, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 8/16/2021

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

Wedding week is over and in the books!  The Bride and Groom are off on their Honeymoon and everything has been undecorated and "semi" put away.

I'm exhausted!  But in a good way :)

The weather outside is:

After the heat of the past few weeks, I'm looking forward to these cooler temps and we definitely need some rain:

On today's to-do list: 

We had one day to recuperate from the Wedding and now we're on to mandatory Volleyball practices for Laken everyday.  Laken is hoping and praying that she makes the JV team.  As a Freshman it might be a bit difficult so we'll see what happens!

Happening this week:

As I mentioned above, Kaylee and Shawn are off on their Honeymoon.  I will admit that I've been very emotional the past week or two and now I'm just downright weepy!  It is going to be a big adjustment!

Back-to-School/Meet-the-Teacher Night is Thursday for Laken.  She's going to the High School this year and is very nervous about having to find her classes.  She already received her schedule and has coordinated with all her friends.  Luckily she has at least one friend in all her classes.  We still have some School Shopping left to do as Laken CANNOT decide on a pair of gym shoes.  It is driving my insane!

The hubby is on 2nd shift this week.  I really miss him being home in the evening when he works 2nd.  Honestly, I miss him no matter what shift he works :)

Currently reading:

(Still the same as last time.)  I have been watching "Hot Mess House" on HGTV with Cassandra Aarssen.  I downloaded 3 of her books on Kindle Unlimited.  I've already finished the first book but haven't taken the time to write a review yet.  I also haven't taken the time to start the following book YET but this will be my next read.  

On the TV:

Hot Mess House

Listening to:

The DJ we hired for the Reception did a really good job.  He even played the song that the hubby and I danced to for our First Dance :)  I cried.

On the menu week:

Not done yet :(  I'm getting really bad at waiting until the last minute to make my menu and grocery list.

Monday ~  
Tuesday ~ 
Wednesday ~ 
Thursday ~  
Friday ~ 
Saturday ~ 
Sunday ~ Potluck at Church

In the Craft Basket:

I have 4 rounds to go on the border of the Wedding Afghan for Kaylee and Shawn.  I "might" be able to finish it up by the time they get back from their honeymoon.  Here's hoping!

Picture from the Camera

Memory Verse

"for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s."  Romans 14:8

Have a great Monday!



  1. Thanks for wedding Pictures. Now you just have too survive high school this hear. Have a great week

  2. Nice wedding picture!
    Hope you get to relax a little this week. I'm sure Laken will be fine with high school.
    Have a great week


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