
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Good Stuff ~ 7/22/2021


Time for another "Focus on the Good Stuff" post!

~Laken Is Good to Go!  Laken had to have an MRI of her knee last Friday because the xray showed something abnormal.  Then Monday we went to the Orthopedic Surgeon to find out what it is.  I am so very relieved to tell you that the surgeon told us it is a non-ossifying fibroma and nothing at all to worry about!  Her knee pain is totally unrelated.  She'll be going to physical therapy for her knee pain to strengthen muscles that are being underused.  So it was a very good appointment!  I was quite stressed so the news came as a great relief :)  She is all good for sports, gym etc.

~Meeting With the DJ!  We met with DJ Tuesday evening to go over the plan for the Wedding Reception.  He seems very professional and committed to making it a wonderful experience for Shawn and Kaylee.

~My New Watch Came!  My old, cheap, "fitbit-ish" watch broke after wearing it constantly for a year and a half.  I ordered a new, cheap, "fitbit-ish" watch on Saturday and it came yesterday (Wednesday)!  It is my favorite aqua/turquoise color and does so many things!  Most of which I won't even use!  I mainly use it for time and step count.  I hope this one lasts as long as the last :)

~I'm Reading a Book!  I haven't read in months so reading a book is good stuff!  I'm reading "The 10 Commandments of Marriage" by Ed Young as all thing marriage and wedding have been on my mind lately.  I started reading it with giving it to Kaylee and Shawn in mind and I probably still will.  However, I am learning so much and getting such good information from it and I'm only half way through.  If only the hubby were the reading type...  I think this would be a good book to read together :)

~Damon is OK!  My cousin's little boy, Damon, fell down the outdoor cellar steps Monday.  We were very worried when we heard the news that they were taking him to the ER as we didn't know the extent of his injuries.  He had a CT scan to check his head for injuries and it came back all good.  He ended up having to get stitches in his forehead and a staple in the back of his head.  So all things considered, we're very thankful that it wasn't worse!

What are you thankful for/smiling/exited about this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. Thank goodness Damon didn't injure his brain. There are so many frightening accidents in the summer.

  2. I always panic when my fitness trackers break. I try to keep one on standby. I'm so addicted to monitoring my steps.
    Glad the knee is OK for Laken!!!

  3. Love the first and the last one the best. It's good when things are not as bad as they at first seem.

    Enjoy the book. We are avid readers here.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  4. That's good news about the knee and we're sure glad that Damon is okay, that had to be scary.

  5. Oops, I don't remember if I said or not, but just in case I didn't say...thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. Oh wow. Lots of dr visits--Good to hear that both ended well.
    A wedding? What have I missed?
    Have a good weekend!

  7. Glad to hear that both patients are well. Thanks for linking up and I hope everyone stays well!

  8. So glad Laken's knee is ok and won't need surgery. And that Damon is ok after that fall. Yay for a new watch! I have not read a marriage book in a long time, but it would be good to so as not to take things for granted.

  9. Whew, seems like you have had some close calls with health issues in your family. Glad for the good reports. I wore a Fitbit for a long time. My first one clipped in my bra!! My husband had one that lasted years and I don't think we paid more than $25 for it. We've switched to Samsung watches because they link up with our phones but have too many gadgets for this grandma!!


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