
Thursday, July 22, 2021

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 7/23/2021

All things bookish!

What I Read:

At this point, I haven't finished a book this week.  However, I have finished a few chapters of my current read.  I'm taking it slow and really soaking in the information.

So far, I've read:

"Thou Shalt Be Selfless"
"Thou Shalt Have No Strings Attached"
"Thou Shalt Continually Communicate"
"Thou Shalt Make Conflict Thy Ally

I'm hoping to finish it and actually write a review soon!  So exciting!  :)


What I'm Reading:


Marriage is God's idea. He planned it. He designed it. And if you follow His blueprint, it will be more rewarding, more loving, more exciting than you ever imagined.

In 10 Commandments of Marriage, Dr. Ed Young shares the “thou shalts” and the “thou shalt nots” of successful relationships—straight from the pages of God's Word. Long-married couples will find love-building precepts that will revive a failing marriage and make a great relationship even better. Soon-to-be-marrieds will discover what marriage is all about and gain priceless insights into starting on solid ground.

In words that are profound, often humorous, but always biblical, Dr. Young draws from decades of counseling couples to provide 10 commandments for a lifelong marriage that sizzles. God wants your marriage to be nothing short of incredible. And it could begin with this amazing book.

First Lines:

Marriage exposes and reveals who we really are.

56%/Page 56

The Bible contains additional wisdom on how to handle everything from the smallest conflicts to the most major crises.


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


Kaely Quinn's talents as an FBI behavior analyst are impossible to ignore, no matter how unorthodox her methods. But when a reporter outs her as the daughter of an infamous serial killer, she's demoted to field agent and transferred to St. Louis.

When the same reporter who ruined her career claims to have received an anonymous poem predicting a string of murders, ending with Kaely's, the reporter's ulterior motives bring his claim into question. But when a body is found that fits the poem's predictions, the threat is undeniable, and the FBI sends Special Agent Noah Hunter to St. Louis.

Initially resentful of the assignment, Noah is surprised at how quickly his respect for Kaely grows, despite her oddities. But with a brazen serial killer who breaks all the normal patterns on the loose, Noah and Kaely are tested to their limits to catch the murderer before anyone else--including Kaely herself--is killed.


What I Can't Wait To Read:


Private Matthew Petticrew arrives in France as part of the American Expeditionary Forces, an arrival which a war-weary France desperately hopes will help to end the turmoil. Having faced unthinkable things on the front, he is captivated by the sound of a lullaby, sung by a voice so pure he knows he must have imagined it. But rumors sweep through the trenches like wildfire, dubbing the voice "The Angel of Argonne," a mysterious presence who leaves behind wreaths on unmarked graves and footprints in the war-pocked soil.

Raised wild in the depths of the Forest of Argonne, France, Mireilles finds her world rocked when war comes crashing into the idyllic home she has always known, taking much from her. When Matthew discovers Mireilles, three things are clear: She is alone in the world, she cannot stay, and he and his two unlikely companions might be the only ones who can get her to safety.


Book Haul:


My daughter's haul:


Book Blogger Hop:

Q.  Have you ever done the Classics Club challenge? If not, would you want to? (submitted by Julie @ JadeSky)

A.  I don't do well with challenges.  As it is, I'm having a hard time keeping up with my simple Goodreads Challenge.  Just not enough time in the day!


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:


  1. Love the cover of Yours is the night!

  2. Ooh 'Mind Games' sounds fascinating, I'll definitely look that one up! 'Yours Is the Night' sounds like a beautiful read as well. I hope your daughter enjoys 'Fable', I'm still hoping to read that one soon as well! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  3. I will eventually get to Mind Games as well. Happy reading!

  4. The 10 Commandments of Marriage must be an insightful read. As long as you don't play too many Mind Games! LOL! Sorry, word(book) play there.

    I love The Classics Club! 50 books over 5 years. I think I can do that!

    Have a good weekend ahead!

    Elza Reads

  5. Sounds like a great read for married folks. Happy weekend!

  6. Just got this in the mail!

    From the Prologue of Yours is the Night by Amanda Dykes:
    October 24, 1921 Chalons-sur-Marne, France
    Ceremony for the choosing of the Unknown Soldier
    There are days you live over and over again for as long as you live. October twenty fourth of 1918, just days before the unending war ended, was one of mine.

  7. I'd love to read the chapter in 10 Commandments about how to make conflict your ally. You must tell us more.

    Yours is the Night looks great. I'm a person who loves a setting in France.

    I've been a member of the Classics Club for about three years. It's a great way to read the Really Good Books, I think.

  8. The 10 Commandments looks like a good book, and I love the cover of Yours Is The Night! Hope you enjoy it.

  9. Fable catches my eye. Hope your daughter enjoys it.

  10. Yours is the Night sounds wonderful. I'm going to check it out. I'm currently reading a book set in Paris during WWII. Enjoy your reading!

  11. Marriage certainly does! Great Book Beginnings! Yeah I know I'm late! lol Here is my Friday56, although very late, just in case you're still playing! Have a great week!

  12. All of these look good. I like the bright cover of Yours is the Night and it sounds good too.
    I really like Griep so I will check The Thief of Blackfriar's Lane.
    Have a good week and Happy Reading!

  13. Gorgeous cover on YOURS IS THE NIGHT.

    ENJOY all of your books. Hope you are having a good week.


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