
Friday, April 2, 2021

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 4/2/2021

All things bookish!

What I Read:

Review coming soon!


What I'm Reading:


Helen Jardin has a rebel's heart. True, she isn't entirely sure how to go about being rebellious, but enthusiasm should more than make up for wisdom where scandal is concerned... even if said enthusiasm has left her in a seedy gaming hell, surrounded by men who seemed determined to make her be more scandalous than she'd like to be.

Thank goodness Isaac Mayfield, penniless marquess and family friend, is there to rescue her. Not only is Isaac trustworthy enough to confide in, he certainly won't tell her family about her plans to be disreputable - especially if she threatens dire consequences for his precious etchings. In fact, upon further consideration, he's just the person to aid Helen in her quest.

But scandal's a funny thing. Courting danger with a pleasant companion is very close to... well, courting. And as Isaac becomes kinder, wittier and more handsome by the minute, is Helen in danger of losing her heart rather than her reputation?

First Lines:

Helen Jardin hadn't known what to wear to a gaming hell, so she had erred on the side of caution.

56%/Page 56

"Thank you." Isaac's shoulders sagged with relief.  He'd been so worried about her refusing--but why had he been so worried?


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


Jane Jardin is frustrated. Desperate to find herself a useful occupation in life, she finds herself unable to do anything thanks to her position. The sister of a duchess is meant to sit in drawing room, embroider fire-screens and wait patiently to be married - and despite spending her entire life being quiet, modest and meek, Jane can't bear to be so thoroughly useless.

After a disastrous interview for yet another occupation she's deemed unfit for, she's ready to run away and hide forever. But a chance encounter with Peter Graves, a blinded soldier in need of assistance, leads to a sudden, surprising affinity - and a deception more audacious than anything Jane has undertaken before.

She soon grows close to Peter, and to the enchanting cottage where he lives. She's allowed to be as useful as she wishes. But this fairy-tale existence can't possibly continue - and when Peter realizes that Jane isn't who she claims to be, he's going to be heartbroken...


What I Can't Wait To Read:


Molly McKenzie's bright personality and on-trend fashion and beauty advice have earned her an impressive social media following, as well as a big paycheck each month. When her manager-turned-boyfriend says she has an audition to appear as a host on a makeover show that nominates underprivileged youth, her dream of further fame seems to be coming true. There's just one catch: she has little experience interacting with people in need.

When her manager-boyfriend convinces her to partner with a local organization, she begins volunteering with a summer youth program. The program's director, Silas Whittaker, challenges her at every turn, but she swiftly grows more attached to the kids--and him--every day.

As Molly experiences an acceptance unlike anything she's known, she wrestles with the lies she's been believing about herself for years. She thought she knew what mattered most in life, but maybe she's had it wrong this whole time, and there's more to being truly seen than what she's built her entire life on.


What I Was Reading 5 Years Ago:

Originally a feature called Last Year I Was Reading created by Maria from ReadingMaria
Literary Feline liked it enough to continue, but has tweaked it
 to feature Five Years Ago I Was Reading. 


Book Haul:



Book Blogger Hop:

Q.   Do you think you will ever get tired of blogging? (submitted by Julie @ JadeSky)

A. Every once in a while I do grow a bit tired of blogging.  When this happens, I take a break.  Inevitably, I come back to the blogging world though.


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:


  1. I like how the eyes are closed on the the first three covers you shared. :-) All That Really Matters sounds so good. I love that cover. Beyond the Storm sounds really good--I am glad you enjoyed it so much. Blogging breaks are good for the soul. :-) I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Happy Friday and Easter Weekend!

    Over on my blog I am sharing the first line from A Dark Beauty from Clarissa Kae.

    "In the very center of London, the late summer sun burned the morning mist off Georgiana's slate roofs."

    Have a lovely weekend! ❤✝📚

  3. I wouldn't know what to wear either! LOL Happy Easter weekend!

  4. Happy Saturday!
    I'm sharing the first line from Night Fall by Nancy Mehl: I'm currently on chapter 2, so I'll share from there.
    "Logan had listened closely to the detective from Kansas City, but he'd had to fight to stay focused."
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 🙂❤📚

  5. My first line is from Hope Between the Pages by Pepper Basham
    “ Any story that begins with a library is bound to be an excellent tale.”

  6. Happy reading! It's always nice to look back and see what you were reading 5 years ago! :)

  7. Oooh, I like the What I was Reading 5 Years Ago meme - what a fun look back! (now I want to go check my own blog)

    Hope you enjoy your books this week -


    Book By Book

  8. I love how you share what you were reading 5 years ago! HOw fun! It's interesting to think how our reading habits may have changed. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  9. It looks like you are enjoying the Hart series. :-)
    All That Really Matters sure sounds good.
    I sometimes wonder about stopping the blog but I quickly think I would miss it and the limited interactions I have in the bookish world.
    Have a good week and Happy Reading!

  10. I like the look of All That Really Matters.

    It's a good strategy, I think, to take a break when you get tired of blogging. When I find myself getting tired of it, I try something new.


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