
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Weekly Weigh In ~ My Journey to Lose 150 lbs. ~ Week #0 ~ 2/10/2021

Once again (for the bazillionth time), I'm starting on a weight loss journey.  I have about 150 lbs to lose in order to be in a healthy weight range if the chart below is to be believed.  I'm 5'2" so the high end of the chart says I should weigh 144 lbs.  That is just a little bit shy of half my current size!

My first mini-goal is to get below 280 lbs.  I think my mini-goals are going to be in 5 lb increments to keep me focused.

I'll be weighing in on Fridays and posting my results the following Wednesday.  If you'd like to join in on the journey, I'd love to have some weight loss friends and support!

Feel free to use the "Weekly Weigh In" graphic and create your own post with as much (or as little) info as you are comfortable sharing and leave a link in the comments.  Or you can just report your results in the comments.

This week I'm using as my "baseline" and just filling in the basic starting info.

Weigh in #0:

Highest Weight ~ 296.4 lbs

Starting Weight ~ 2/5/2021 ~ 285.4 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 

This Week's Weight ~ 2/5/2021 ~ 285.4 lbs

This Week's Total:   lbs

Grand Total: -11.0 lbs

Measurements for January 2021:

I'll be taking my measurements at the end of every month. 

Neck:  16"
Shoulders:  57"   
    Right:  19"
    Left:  19"
Bust:  53"
Belly:  54"
Waist:  56"
Hips:  61"
    Right Thigh:  28"
    Left Thigh:  28"
    Right Calf:  18"
    Left Calf:  18"

Please let me know in the comments if you are on your own weight loss journey!  I'd love to follow along :)


  1. You can do it!! I'm just shy of 6 foot so I'd like to lose another 10lbs. I started on the Trim Healthy Mama plan a few years ago and easily lost 20lbs, where I couldn't loose a thing before. I loosely have stuck to it and have maintained my weight but I'm buckling down and staying on plan so I can lose those pesky last bit of pounds.
    I know if you stick to it you will feel great!!!
    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the encouragement! It means a lot:)


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