
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Blogging Challenge ~ Most Romantic Book or Movie Ever ~ 2/10/2021

This week's topic is:  

Most Romantic Book or Movie Ever:

I seriously didn't know how I was ever going to write about this topic.  I mean, I've read so many romantic books.  After all, my favorite genre is romance!

So, I decided against trying to narrow my choice down to one book and instead decided to write about the "Most Romantic Movie Ever".  The fact that it was a book first isn't lost on me.  However, I haven't read the book, so I'm going to be focusing on the movie.

Without further ado my choice for this topic is:

The Longest Ride 

Released:  2015
Rated PG-13

When I was brainstorming romantic movies, my husband actually suggested "The Longest Ride".  If a man thought it was romantic, it must be romantic!  (He then went on to suggest "The Water Boy", but I digress...  lol)

After thinking about this movie for a few minutes, I had to agree that it was extremely romantic.  But, for more reasons than what you may think.

Yes, it stars Scott Eastwood and he's a cowboy!  (oh, baby!)  Yes, it is based on a Nicholas Sparks book (instant romantic hit).  Yes, the main characters, Sophia and Luke, fall in love (it wouldn't be very romantic if they didn't).

However, the part of the movie that really drew me in were the scenes with Ruth and Ira.  I don't know if it was the time period, the costumes or the love letters but their story was so very romantic!

I loved the dual timeline of the movie.  I loved everything about this movie!  The fact that it is a tear-jerker makes it all the more spectacular.  And the ending!  Ah, the ending was such sweet sorrow.  I loved every minute of this movie.

If you haven't seen "The Longest Ride", I suggest watching the trailer below and then finding some way to stream the movie because you're going to want to watch it!

Honorable Romantic Movie Mentions:

The Lake House

The Notebook

Pride & Prejudice (2005)

So, what do you think is the most romantic book or movie ever?  


P.S. I love for you to stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. So ... You're a Nicholas Sparks fan :-D

    I actually really loved The Lake House. Not sure why I didn't think of that one for mine.

    1. I love Nicholas Sparks movies but haven't read many of his books.

  2. I'm an anomoly. I have a love/hate relationship with Nicholas Sparks. You see, I don't like to cry. Seriously, it gives me a headache. And... I can't read or watch Sparks because he makes me cry every. single. time. And not in the "awwwww..that's so sweet" tears that I referred to.

  3. Sounds like a good movie. I'll see if the wife wants to watch it for this Valentines.

    1. It was so good! I think you're wife and YOU would enjoy it :)

  4. Oooh! I'll have to put this on my "to watch list". I love discovering new, romantic movies. Great post :)

  5. Well, I haven't see that movie. I'll be searching for it. Sounds like a great romance. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.

  6. I have not seen the movie or read the book. Will have to put it on the list.

  7. 2 love stories in 1 movie. Very nice!

  8. That would have also been a great post for Top Ten Tuesday.

    I love "The Lake House" but have only seen it as a film. And "Pride & Prejudice", since Jane Austen is one of my favourite authors, she's definitely there.

    My TTT is all about books with "Love" in their title though hardly any of them are about love.

  9. It looks like my comment yesterday never went through. Let's try again!

    The Lake House sure does sound good.

    My post:

  10. I forgot about The Lake House. That's a good one.


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