
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Thankful Thursday ~ 2/11/2021

Here are some things that made me thankful/smile/excited this week:


~February is almost half over!    I don't know about you, but I'm ready for March to roll around and Spring to come!

~Puppy Art!  Laken took two small canvases with paint on them and put them into plastic baggies.  She then put peanut butter on the outside and let our labs, Kona and Lilah, lick away.  Below are their Picassos :)

~Photo Session! When writing my Three Things post for today, I realized that I didn't have an updated picture of my three loves together.  That has been rectified!  The flash is a bit bright but I love these faces :)

What are you thankful for/smiling/exited about this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 


P.S. I love for you to stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. What a fun way to create art! I just love those paintings.

  2. Those are really cool and those are very talented peanut butter tongues! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Great idea we have to think of that with the crew. So nice you have them. Enjoy that nice family

  4. That's true - it is a short month .. closer to Spring.

  5. I'm ready for spring too. Bring it on.

    Your family is most good looking.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  6. Your thankfuls are awesome! We relate to all of them! Especially the winter to be over. Those Pupcassos are terrific! Cinnamon shall have to try some. And I have 5 loves...3 cats, 1 dog and a son with a beard! Have an amazing day!


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