
Friday, February 12, 2021

January 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up

The Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up is hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight.

I'm a little late to the January 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up party but I still wanted to join in.  Also, this is my first Monthly Wrap-Up post so if there is anything else you'd like me to add, please leave a comment telling me :)


January Reviews:

I read 4 books in January.  Click on the cover to read my review :)


Goodreads Challenge:

Having read 4 books in January, at the end of January I was 4/26 books.

Favorite Book of January:

This is hard but I think I will pick:

Book Review With the Most Views:

Top Ten Tuesday Posts:

My Weekly Bookishness:

This includes book hauls, teasers, and other great bookish fun :)
~January 22, 2021 - Most Views

Other Posts:

A few of my favorite posts from the blog:

Coming Up in February 2021:

As February is half over already, I'm not going to write much here.  I'm excited about Valentine's Day and even more excited about March getting here very soon!  I hope you have a great rest of February :)


  1. I really like the cover for Wyatt. :-) Happy February!

  2. Sounds like you had a great reading month! I enjoy Susan May Warren's series, but I haven't read Wyatt yet. Have a great February!

    1. Start with the first book of the series if you do want to read "Wyatt". They build on one another a lot.

  3. It looks like you had a great reading month. Melissa Storm's book sounds so good. And I should check out Panning for Love since you enjoyed it so much. I hope you have a fabulous February!

  4. I'm excited for March and hopefully out of the freezing cold weather we've got going on right now! Hope you enjoyed all your books! Thanks for visiting my monthly wrap-up on Lisa Loves Literature earlier!

    1. February has been horrid for weather here! I'm counting down the days until March!

  5. Very nice monthly wrap up! I like The Loneliest Cottage cover!

    1. Thank you! The Loneliest Cottage was a good read :)

  6. Well done at reviewing all the books you read that month! Not always easy to do. I like the look of The Loneliest Cottage. Enjoy the rest of February

    1. I try to review as soon as I'm done reading the book. Looking forward to March!

  7. You had a good reading month. I haven't read any of these books.

  8. They all look great books with covers that invite a reader in. Sometimes it is hard to choose a favourite book when they are all good reads.

  9. Look like you had a fun reading month. Always a good sign when you find it hard to pick your favorite of the month. Hope the rest of your month is lovely.

  10. Very nice reading month! I hope February is great, as well. <3

  11. Sounds like a great reading month for you! I like how you included which review got the most views in the month - think I will add that to my monthly wrap-ups, too.

    Hope you are enjoying a great reading month in February!


    Book By Book

  12. Great wrap up post! I always enjoy seeing the covers of the books read as well as favorite of the month. February has been brutal as far as weather and I too am looking forward to March which starts next week.

  13. I enjoyed reading the post about how you discovered Christian/Clean Fiction. I don't like books that bring a blush to my face, so I might need to check out some of those! Fancy Pants does sound like fun.


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