
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 3/1/2021

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!


Can I get a hip-hip-hooray?

The weather outside is:

Look at that weather!  No snow in sight and lots of sunshine!  I'm so excited :)

On today's to-do list: 

The usual suspects.  Groceries, devotions, exercise, blogging and catching up from the weekend.

Happening this week:

Thank the Lord that Laken is back in school full-time starting today!  Some kids might excel and thrive with virtual schooling but Laken is not one of them.  She excels but does not thrive.  It is a delicate balance for a 14 year old psyche as it is.  She need some normalcy in her life.

Kaylee and I both have check-ups this week.

The hubby is on second shift, my least favorite...

Currently reading:

I'm currently reading "Hidden Currents" by Christy Barritt.  You can read about My Weekly Bookishness HERE!

On the TV:

Hallmark Movies

Listening to:

I featured   "Faithful God" by I Am They  this week on Songs on Sunday.

On the menu week:

Monday ~ Taco Bell
Tuesday ~ Ham, Fried Potatoes
Wednesday ~ Salisbury Steak, Noodles
Thursday ~  Irish Stew
Friday ~ Grilled Cheese and Soup
Saturday ~ Cheeseburger Pasta Bake
Sunday ~ Potluck at Church

In the Craft Basket:

Once again I decided to do something different with the Line I Love This Yarn.  I decided that instead of the Beautiful Shells pattern I'm going to make granny squares.  I love granny squares and I can work on them while I watch youtube or TV.

Memory Verse

"For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

Have a great Monday!



  1. I am delighted to have discovered your site on the You're the Star Blog-Hop. Following and can't wait to see more!
    Blessings to you and yours!
    Marie @

  2. Looks like you have a wonderful week ahead and with that weather you'll be doing even more than you expected. Funny how the weather can make us feel so energized.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

    1. The weather plays a huge part in my moods. I'm loving this "warmer" weather :)

  3. Granny squares are fun to do, and no need to really concentrate... I am doing rosebud stitch right now, and another no need to concentrate, and its going along rather quickly! Happy Monday!

    1. I like not concentrating! No really, I love making granny squares :)

  4. We all need back to normalcy, especially teenagers.

    Enjoy working on the granny squares. I love when I have something I can do while watching tv.

    Ah... the sun... miss him!

    Have a great week

  5. I'm so glad your daughter was able to go back to in-person school. My high school son was not a fan of virtual learning! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  6. I hear you on the granny squares, I'm working on a granny blanket because I need a mindless crochet project. Just something to relax but not something I need to count stitches or pay much attention too.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Hooray for in person learning! Yes, my 16 year old struggled so much and is still struggling with the lack of normal regarding it all. Hopefully, soon things will be regular normal again. Hope you are having a great week! (Prodigal Son was a good one last night but I guess the shows on break again until April?)

  8. I don't think my comment posted :( it said the page couldn't be opened. Sorry to here Laken isn't thriving, but glad shes still excelling. My munchkins (nieces 11 and 13 and nephew 14) are having the same problem with not being able to see and be with their friends. I pray for an end to this already year long pandemic and a return t normalcy. I hope you have a GREAT rest of the week.


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