
Sunday, February 7, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/8/2021

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

(I'm actually writing this while "watching" the Superbowl Sunday evening)

The weather outside is:

Brrr... So cold. We had a bit of snow this morning on the way to Church but then it stopped and now it is just plain cold.  It is supposed to get down to 8F by morning. 

On today's to-do list: 

I'm back to grocery shopping on Monday morning.  Other than my normal daily tasks that about it.

Happening this week:

Laken is doing virtual school this week.  The hubby and Kaylee are both on second shift.  That means I can get away with cooking "supper" at lunch time before everybody head to their different destinations.  I personally enjoy having our main meal at lunch.  It also open up the afternoon for other things besides cooking and it gives us leftovers for supper in the evening.

Laken has a dentist appointment for a cleaning on Tuesday and isn't thrilled about going.  She hates all things doctor, especially needles.  Kona goes back to the vet for them to check her ears one last time and to get her booster shots.  Going to the vet is always a thrill...

Hopefully, either Friday or Saturday the hubby and I will have our Valentine's Date.  We have a gift card for Texas Roadhouse that I've been anxious to use.

Currently reading:

Last week I read "Take A Chance On Me" by Becky Wade.  Right now I'm reading "The Redesigned Ranch" by Liz Isaacson.  It is the first in a series.  You can read about My Weekly Bookishness HERE!

On the TV:

The Prodigal Son ~ This week's episode was very suspenseful.  They all are and that is why it is my absolute favorite show right now!

Walker, Texas Ranger ~ We watched the second episode of Walker this week.  We still have one more episode in the DVR to watch.  I really like it and fully expect for it to become another must-see show for us.

Groundhog Day ~ This movie was pretty much a given this week...

Listening to:

I featured  "Good God Almighty" by Crowder  this week on Songs on Sunday.

On the menu week:

Monday ~ kielbasa, cheesy potatoes
Tuesday ~ spaghetti, garlic bread
Wednesday ~ Chicken, stuffing
Thursday ~  creamed chipped beef
Friday ~ Pizza and wings
Saturday ~ One-Pot Cheeseburger Pasta
Sunday ~ Potluck at Church

In the Craft Basket:

I'm still working on the "Linen Beautiful Shells" blanket and also some crochet dish cloths for my Etsy Shop.

Memory Verse

"One who pursues righteousness and loyalty Finds life, righteousness, and honor." Proverbs 21:21

Have a great Monday!


I'd love for you to stop by and give THE SHOP some love!


  1. Good morning and happy Monday. It's a cold one here this week too. Snow is in the forecast all week here...ugh. I added your new book to my to read list. I'm always looking for new books to read. Hope you have a great week.

  2. I didn't even think of watching the Groundhog Day movie on the day, what a fun idea! Have to remember that for next year. Mondays are my favorite day to grocery shop usually. Not today, too snowy and cold but hoping to get back to it as my main day soon. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. I like the idea of the main meal being for lunch. Will probably do that when we are retired (or if we were both working from home). A small evening meal would be much better for the digestion anyway.
    Have a great week

  4. Always a fun visit. Enjoy your week.


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