
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tuesday 4 ~ Tea Parties ~ 12/1/2020

Head over to Tuesday's Place for the questions and to visit everyone's answers!

Happy December, Everyone!

Let's discuss tea parties.

1. Do you invite people over for coffee or tea?  

During this crazy time in the world, we haven't been inviting anyone over.  Not a good idea right now... :(

2.  Entertaining is a good way to serve others. The bible encourages it in talking about how to be a good person:

Isaiah 58: "“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?      Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? " 

 Do you entertain often?

We don't entertain, per se, but I do enjoy serving others.

3. What kind of refreshments do you offer to guests?

The normal coffee, tea, or cold drink.  Hopefully, I would have a homemade baked good on hand to offer as well.  I do enjoy having guests.  Hopefully this will be possible soon!

4. Do you enjoy tea and/or coffee? How do you take it?

I do NOT like coffee at all.  I like the smell of coffee brewing but even the slightest hint of coffee flavor and I don't like it.  I do, however, enjoy tea.  Vanilla Chai is my very favorite followed closely by orange pekoe.  I like cream (milk) and sugar in my tea.



  1. You and I would get along fine...I don't like coffee at all either. I do make it for my hubby every day, but I am a 'tea-totaller". I don't like cream/milk in my tea, however. I put a teaspoon of sugar or honey in hot tea, but iced tea is unsweet. Yes, we are all anxious to get this pandemic over with so we can get back to enjoying fellowship and friends in our homes again!

  2. I love coffee but Chai is my nighttime go-to!

  3. I love coffee, but Vanilla Chai tea is wonderful and I am not really a tea drinker!

  4. Being hospitable is a wonderful gift. I can tell you have it. What a blessing from God. My faith and courage is small in that area. If you come to my door, I won't run you away or will I??


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