
Monday, November 30, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 11/30/2020

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday! 

I've been busy making some new items for my etsy shop which I reopened last week.  I'd love for you to stop by and give THE SHOP some love!

The weather outside is:

It is about 40F and raining today.  Earlier this morning it was pouring but now it is mostly just gray and foggy out.  I don't mind this weather.  In fact, I enjoy all four seasons in their own way.

On today's to-do list: 

I usually go for groceries on Monday but I absolutely HATE getting groceries in the rain so I pushed it back until tomorrow.  I'm working on a "Think Pink Prayer Shawl" for the shop.  I still have my Bible reading to do.

Happening this week:

Well, Laken's school went fully virtual as of today.  I knew it was coming but Laken is NOT thrilled.  She is a people person.  Kaylee is still working overtime especially with the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales going on.  Doug is still off today for Deer Season but goes back to work tonight for 4 days of third shift.  He works off and on in December.  I think he told me he only works 9 days in December and the rest is vacation time!  I love having my family home :)

Currently reading:

I'm currently reading "Mistletoe Kiss" by Andrea Boyd.  I haven't done much reading this week.  I totally failed at the HoHoHo Read-a-thon!  lol

On the TV:

Hallmark Christmas Movies (LOTS OF THEM!)

Little Women

Maine Cabin Masters

Listening to:

This week I featured "Truth Be Told" by Matthew West.  I'm so excited to start featuring Christmas Songs next Sunday!

On the menu week:

Monday ~ Ham, Fried Potatoes
Tuesday ~ Turkey and sides
Wednesday ~ Kielbasa, Noodles
Thursday ~  Spaghetti and Garlic Bread
Friday ~ Deer Steak, Cheesy Potatoes
Saturday ~ Pizza
Sunday ~ Church Potluck

In the Craft Basket:

The Think Pink Prayer Shawl is currently in my basket.  I've also made some scrubbies and an all white baby blanket for my shop.

Picture From the Camera:

Laken's Christmas 2020 Ornament

Kaylee's Christmas 2020 Ornament.

Bible Verse/Devotional

"This was the first census taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria."  Luke 2:2

Have a great Monday!



  1. Enjoyed visiting from HHM
    Have a great week!

  2. Cute ornaments!
    School from home is not ideal but hopefully in 2021 things will get back to normal. I can't wait for vacations too.
    Have a great week

  3. Pretty Christmas ornaments! I get my boys their own Christmas ornaments each year as well. Hope you have a fantastic week!


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