
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Wondering Wednesday ~ Summers as a Kid ~ 7/29/20

Welcome to Wondering Wednesdays hosted by A Baker's Perspective, a weekly post to learn more about me and other bloggers.


Today’s questions is – What did you do during the summers as a kid?

My Answer - Summers in the country is how my love of reading came about!

There weren't any kids around to play with and there really wasn't much to do, so I found new friends in books :)

Every Friday we would go to "town" for groceries.  I would beg my parents to stop at the library each week where I would stock up about 10 books per week.  Believe me I had no problem reading them all.

I stayed up late reading and would also pick my book back up first thing in the morning.

I can't tell you how many times I got in trouble for sneaking away to my room to read when I was supposed to be helping my Mom with dishes, laundry, etc., etc., etc,.

So...During the summers as a kid I read :)

What did you do during the summers as a kid?


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