
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

#FitReaders ~ Check In ~ 7/28/20

#FitReaders2020 is hosted by Felicia the Geeky Blogger and Jen from That's What I'm Talking About



~Track my food and exercise using myWW every day

~Exercise for 30 minutes 4 times per week

~Make myWW FitPoint goal of 25 per week

~Stay within my Daily/Weekly WW Food Points

~Drink 4 tumblers of water each day

~Lose 5 pounds

How I did this week 7/20/20-7/26/20:

~Track my food and exercise using myWW every day  4/7

~Exercise for 30 minutes 4 times per week  7/4

~Make myWW FitPoint goal of 25 per week     45/25 ~ Blew the doors off this one!

~Stay within my Daily/Weekly WW Food Points :  Camping!

~Drink 4 tumblers of water each day  6/7

~Lose 5 pounds   +2/5 :  I gained :( :( :(

~I did fairly well eating for most of the week but didn't track while camping.  I guess those smores and mountain pies sneak up on a person!

~We hiked the trail at the State Park where we camped.  It was 3.4 miles!  I didn't know if I was going to make it the whole way around the lake but :  Mind over Matter!  I did it!  And...had somewhere around 13500 steps for the day :)

~Time to put the eating and the exercise into motion TOGETHER!  If I could just get them in sync...

*I'll be checking in on Tuesdays but my exercise week runs Monday through Sunday.*


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