
Thursday, June 4, 2020

First Lines Friday, 56 and BBH ~ 6/5/20

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

First Lines

"Murder and vacation do not go together!"

 Page 56

The doors swung open, and David emerged with Hannah at his side.  Her eyes were narrowed and tight, holding all the stress she'd been under.

 Q.  What is your favorite bookish podcast? (You can list more than one!) What do you like most about it? (submitted by Tabatha @ Broken Soul Reviews)

 A.  I have to say that I don't listen to any bookish podcasts.  I'll be interested in reading others' answers and getting some recommendations!


Also linking up to:


  1. Happy Friday! My first line is from "The Heart of a Hero" by Susan May Warren:

    "In the daylight, Jake Silver wasn't the devil."

  2. Great snippets! Now I want to know more. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “WATCH ME DISAPPEAR”

  3. That line definitely grabs your attention!!! Happy Friday!

  4. Happy Friday!

    That's an amazing first line, and definitely has me intrigued for what comes next.

    On my blog this week, I'm sharing the first line from All's Fair in Love and Cupcakes by Betsy St. Amant:

    "There was more to life than vanilla buttercream."

    Hope you have a lovely weekend :)

  5. Happy Friday!
    Today on my blog I'm sharing the first line from The King's Mercy by Lori Benton:
    I'm currently on chapter 16 so I will share the first line from there.
    "The Joanna's loss was a blow to Severn's economy, that of her crew a sorrow, but Captain Kelly's death struck deepest."
    I hope you have a great weekend filled with relaxing reading time! ๐Ÿ™‚❤️๐Ÿ“š

  6. Whoa, that first line definitely works for me.

    I listen to podcasts on my phone while working in the kitchen, but the ones I listen to are about writing rather than reading. Plus it is harder to do now that others in the household are working from home. Have a good weekend!

  7. LOL No, they really don't. Great beginning!! Happy weekend, stay safe!

  8. That's great beginning!

    I don't listen to podcasts at all, bookish or otherwise. I'm too busy listening to audiobooks!

  9. My first line is from STORIES THAT BIND US by Susie Finkbeiner

    My Norman had never understood why I liked to hang laundry on the line when I had a perfectly good dryer inside.

  10. Happy Friday! Today, I'm sharing the first line from The House at the End of the Moor by Michelle Griep: "Death prowled the cellblock like a dark animal seeking prey -- especially the weakest."

  11. Happy Friday!!
    Today on my blog I shared the first line from Misty Beller's Love's Mountain Quest. "The woman stood in the wind, skirts billowing, hair flying, as though the gusts swept away all her inhibitions." I just finished it and it was really good!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Happy Friday!
    Today on my blog I shared the first line from The Comparison Girl by Shannon Popkin but I'm currently reading The Way of Love by Tracie Peterson so I'll share the first line from my current chapter (5) here: "Mrs. Weaver joined the boardinghouse residents for breakfast the next morning." Hope you have a great weekend!

  13. Happy Friday! Give Writing Excuses a try. Hosted by a few bestselling authors, it gives amazing insights into plot, career, characters, world-building, etc... Fast, funny, engaging. 100% worth a try!

    My Friday post:


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