
Friday, June 26, 2020

First Lines Friday, 56 and BBH ~ 6/26/20

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

First Lines

Nellie stood at the floor to ceiling window, looking out over San Antonio.  She sucked in a deep breath and counted to ten then continued to twenty in an effort not to grip her grandfather's neck and squeeze.

 Page 56 / 56%

Since the steak took up his whole plate, roasted vegetables and a baked potato sat on a separate plate.

 Q.  When you run out of bookshelf space, what do you do? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

 A.  Why, get another shelf, of course!  But really, if a book has been on my shelf for years and it hasn't grabbed my attention enough to read it, I pass it on to a fellow reader friend for her enjoyment.  Other than that, I don't keep books that I've read.  I pass them on to the next person.  Recently I've been reading exclusively on my Kindle.  So no problem :)


Also linking up to:


  1. This book sounds good, starts off with an interesting note!!

  2. Now I am intrigued. Love the cover, too. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THE HALF SISTER”

  3. I agree I love the sound of this book beginning. What's Grandad done now? lol

    Today I'm featuring You Can’t Catch Me by Catherine McKenzie.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Happy Friday!

    This book sounds like a sweet story, and I love the start to it.

    On my blog this week, I'm sharing the first line from Smitten by Colleen Coble, Kristen Billerbeck, Denise Hunter, and Diann Hunt:

    "Natalie Mansfield's heart swelled as she stood on the perimeter of the town square and watched her niece and the other children decorate the town for Easter."

    Hope you have a lovely weekend :)

  5. My first line is from A RECKLESS LOVE by Beth White
    Prologue: April 22, 1865 North of Memphis, Tennessee

    Zane’s first thought when he came to was that the world was coming to an end.

    Great ending to the series!

  6. Happy Friday! πŸ™‚
    Today, I'm sharing the first line from Line by Line by Jennifer Delamere. I'm currently reading The Woman in the Green Dress by Tea Cooper, so I'll share a line from there:
    "Stefan pushed open the doors to the Berkeley deep in thought."
    Hope you have an excellent weekend! πŸ™‚❤πŸ“š

  7. That 56 made me hungry. LOL. Happy weekend!

  8. Looks like a fun book! And sounds like a Texas-sized dinner!

  9. Happy Friday!
    Over on my blog I shared the first line from The Rose of Winslow Street by Elizabeth Camden
    "The stately houses of Winslow Street looked utterly safe and respectable in the hot summer evening. Mikhail knew all that was about to change."

    Have a lovely weekend!

  10. Both those snippets made me laugh. I don't buy many print books anymore and I'm slowly weeding the ones I have. Most of the time I read on my Kindle or Kobo.

    Have a good weekend, and happy reading. :)

    My Friday Post.

  11. Yeah, this isn't as much as a problem as it used to be for me either, Colletta, since switching to Kindle.
    Hope you have a good weekend. x


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