
Thursday, May 21, 2020

First Lines Friday, 56 and BBH ~ 5/22/20

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

First Lines

Candace McLachlan stuck her arm out of the truck window and leaned back against the headrest with a sigh.  "No other part of the country is more beautiful than Montana."

 Page 56

"I don't think Ray wants or needs to talk to you."  Sarah turned to look at him for confirmation, but he couldn't move.  He couldn't breathe.

 Q.  If you own an eBook, would you also purchase a print copy as well? (submitted by Tabatha @ Broken Soul Reviews)

 A.  No.  I don't reread books so there would be no point in purchasing a print copy of a book I've already read.  When I read a print book, I pass it on to a fellow book lover and don't look back :)


Also linking up to:


  1. Cute cover and that opener tells us a bit about Candace. I love to re-read books but I only buy multiple formats of books I absolutely love.

    My Friday Book Memes.

  2. I like the sounds of those snippets and that cover is so romantic!! Happy weekend, stay safe!

    1. It was a sweet romance. Happy weekend to you as well :)

  3. Replies
    1. I've never been anywhere near there but from descriptions and pictures, I'd have to agree :)

  4. Now I want to visit Montana. I also take print books and pass them along to others!! Have a great weekend!

    1. My cousin and his wife went there on their honeymoon and loved it!

  5. Hi,
    Great beginning and Friday 56....tells a lot about
    this the cover...have a great day!

  6. Montana is beautiful! I live in Oregon, but I have several law cases in Montana and I love to go there.

    1. I live on the East Coast so I don't know if I'll ever make it there but I would love to see it :)

  7. My first line is from the suspense novel by Patricia Bradley, STANDOFF.
    What had he gotten himself into?

    1. I've recently read a book by this author and enjoyed it. I really like suspense :)

  8. Over on my blog I'm featuring Pretending to Wed by Melissa Jagears. Here I'll share the first line from chapter six of the same book.
    "Setting buckets under the well pump, Nolan started to fill them and squinted at the wagon coming down the road."

  9. I love you know what you're going to get with that lovely cover! Sounds wonderful!

    1. I love when the cover matches the contents :)

  10. What a beautiful first line!

    I've never been to Montana, but I live not too far away from it on the Canadian side, and I'm sure it's gorgeous. Such a lovely cover too!

    I hope you have an amazing rest of your weekend )

    1. I'm sure your area is gorgeous as well! THanks for stopping by!

  11. I also pass on most of my print copy books, so certainly don't need to buy many more. I think I have two or three books currently that I only 'loan' out and want back for myself. Thanks for sharing :)

  12. Oh yes, I have to agree that Montana is beautiful. This looks like a fun read for the weekend.

    As for reading books more than once, I remember a quote from Neil Gaiman which was roughly that reading a book again is like stepping into a river of moving water, you never have the same experience twice. It has to be a special book for it to work, though.

  13. Happy Friday! My first line is from "Grand Encounters" by Jen Turano:

    "I know you mentioned you've sworn off gentlemen forever, but Mr. Tall, Dark, and - need I say - Delicious is here again, and, unsurprisingly, he's sitting in your section."

  14. Happy Friday!
    On my blog I'm sharing the first lines from The Socialite by J'nell Ciesielski. I'm currently on chapter 14, so I'll share from there.
    "Kat tipped the glass of wine to her mouth, but didn’t part her lips. She hated reds, especially dry ones, and they gave her a splitting headache."
    I hope you have a great weekend filled with awesome reading time! πŸ˜€❤πŸ“š

    1. I plan on finishing up the book I'm currently reading. Have a great reading weekend!

  15. Happy Friday! My first line is from The Memory House by Rachel Hauck" She was never afraid of the dark."

    I only buy the print copy if know I will read it multiple times or if I know I need to share it with someone!

  16. I've been known to buy print editions of audiobooks I like. Does that count? My Friday Quotes

  17. I've never visited Montana! Is it that beautiful?
    I will buy the print version of an ebook, only if I really really loved it.
    Konna @ The Reading Armchair

    1. I've never been but I've heard it is gorgeous!

  18. I am a re-reader so I keep all of my books. My short answer to the BBH question is generally no. However, if I've read an ebook by a favourite author that I'd like to get signed one day then yes! πŸ’œπŸ˜Š
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week, Colletta, stay safe and healthy.
    Here's my BBH Post
    Flora x

  19. I'm not a big re-reader, but there are books I would like to re-read at some point. Like if I ever end up in the middle of a pandemic with no access to the library or money to buy new books and I've exhausted by TBR stacks. That would never happen though, would it? Seriously though, these days I tend to buy physical books of books I have e-copies of only if they are favorites and I can see myself re-visiting someday. Or if I think my daughter might enjoy them when she's older.

    Your book beginning excerpt reminded me how much I would like to visit Montana someday. Just not in the winter.

    Have a great week!

  20. Today, I'm sharing the first line from Formula for a Perfect Life by Christy Hayes: "Kayla Cummings stared at the two lines so long her vision blurred." Have a good rest of the weekend!


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