
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Weekly Weigh In ~ 4/22/20

Hello and how are you today?  I hope all is well!

I had a pretty good first week back on WW.  I did use some of my weekly points but that is OK especially since we had Easter Dinner and Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing!  I limited myself to 1 cupcake though and tracked it.

I only got in 14/25 Fitpoints so this week I'm going to be working on getting more activity in.  I have a step counter watch that I got off of Amazon for like $22 so that is how I'm tracking my movement.  It has been pretty cold outside so I broke down and did a walking DVD with Leslie Sansone.

I'd really like to get a new treadmill as the one I bought used bit the dust.  We're doing some research and I'm trying to decide if I really NEED one or to just walk outside once it gets a bit warmer which it is supposed to do this week.  There are pros (walking anytime) and cons (expensive) to getting a treadmill.  Let me know if you have one and what kind you would suggest in the comments.

So, the goal is to get those 25 Fitpoints in this week and stay within my Daily and Weekly Food Points.  Hopefully that will give me a loss!


On to the weigh in:

Highest Weight ~ 297.0
(re) Starting Weight ~ 4/8/20 ~ 283.4

Last Week's Weight ~  4/10/20 ~ 280.0 lbs

This Week's Weight ~ 4/17/20 ~      278.6 lbs

This Week's Total:    -1.4 lbs

Total:  -4.8 lbs
Grand Total: -18.4 lbs

I'm going to be weighing in on Fridays but will post my results on Wednesday of the following week.

I hope you follow along on my (seemingly never-ending) journey!  If you'd like to join in, let me know :)


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