
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 4/21/20

Looking out my window:

As I write this Monday afternoon, the sun is shining!  This week is supposed to be much warmer than last and I'm loving it :)

I am thinking:

I am thinking that I'm glad to have the grocery shopping done for the week.  Starting yesterday, we now have to wear masks to go into grocery stores, etc.  The hubby and I each had our masks so all was well.

I am thankful:

I am thankful to be back on WW.  I was getting way too out of control with my portions and snacking before rejoining.  I'm still not PERFECTLY on plan, but I'm doing much better especially with my exercise.

One of my favorite things:

Is baking with my daughter Laken.  This week we made Oreo Truffles :)

I am creating:

I'm still working on granny squares with the colors below.  What started as this:

and this:

Is now this:

I actually have all but 1 1/2 rows of the border done!  I'm so close to being finished!

I am wearing:

Today I am wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening to:

I'm still reading "Trinity" by Ronie Kendig about a Military War Dog.  I am loving it so far!

We also caught up on watching the rest of the first season of "Lincoln Rhyme".  At least I hope it was only the first season and that there will be more to come.  It was so good!

I am hoping:

I am hoping to get lots of Fitpoints in this week.  So far I have 12/25 with 4 days left go!

I am learning:

I am learning that we finally found a puzzle that will take us more than a few days to complete.  It is a 1500 piece puzzle called "It's a Ruff Life".  I love how they are putting posters in with puzzles now.

In my kitchen:

We have a few new recipes on the menu for this week.  If they turn out, I'll be sure to share them.  For this past week, we had the Oreo Truffles.

Shared Quote:

"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns."

Psalm 139:23 HCSB

A moment from my day:

My dad picked flowers for my mom!  Wasn't that sweet?!? 

Have a Blessed Day!


1 comment:

  1. Lovely flowers. So thoughtful of you husband. It is always good to have the grocery shopping done. Shopping is not pleasant at all these days. Those Oreo truffles look delicious. I will have to try some. I enjoyed stopping by for a visit. Hope you have a good week.


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