
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Weekly Weigh In ~ 4/15/20

Hello and how are you today?

I'm sheepishly back with a Weekly Weigh In.  My last weigh in post was in February when I cancelled my WW subscription because I wasn't losing weight like I wanted.

I thought I would try but it was just too cumbersome with all the adds so I was just "semi" using a notebook to track my food and exercise. 

Let me just say that I've gained about 10 lbs since I last posted a weigh in.  :( 

I knew I needed to do SOMETHING so I rejoined WW with a digital subscription only.  That means I get to use the trackers (food, activity) and be a part of Connect for the inspiration.

I rejoined on Wednesday and by Friday I had lost 3.4 lbs!  whohoo!  I was very excited because gaining some of the weight back has really been making me feel blech!

If you're over on WW or Connect my handle is collettakmiller .  I'd love to "follow" you over there!


On to the weigh in:

Highest Weight ~ 297.0
(re) Starting Weight ~ 4/8/20 ~ 283.4

Last Week's Weight ~  lbs

This Week's Weight ~ 4/10/20 ~      280.0 lbs

This Week's Total:    -3.4 lbs

Total:  -3.4 lbs
Grand Total: -17.0 lbs

I'm going to be weighing in on Fridays but will post my results on Wednesday of the following week.

I hope you follow along on my (never-ending) journey!  If you'd like to join in, let me know :)


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