
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 4/14/20

Looking out my window:

As I write this Monday afternoon, it is raining.  In fact, there are severe thunderstorm warning and even a tornado warning for our area!  As if we need more to worry about!

I am thinking:

I am thinking that I need to catch up on my letter writing.  My Pen Pal letter is way overdue to be written.  She probably thinks I fell off the end of the earth!

I am thankful:

I am thankful to be back from being out buying supplies and groceries.  Today was the first time that it actually made me nervous to go...

One of my favorite things:

"One "of my favorite things this week are actually two very special people:  my daughters!  Kaylee is on the left and she is almost 19 years old.  Laken is on the right and turned 13 years old in February.

I am creating:

I'm still working on granny squares with the colors below.  What started as this:

Is now this:

I almost have all the squares completed.  I need 5 more squares and then I'll starting crocheting the squares together and after that comes the border!

I am wearing:

Today I am wearing a t-shirt with flowers on the front and a prayer of comfy gray capris.

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening to:

I'm reading "Trinity" by Ronie Kendig about a Military War Dog.  I am loving it so far!

I am hoping:

I am hoping that Laken can finish out the school year strong!  We found out last week that schools are closed for the rest of the school year.  In Laken's school district, all student have an ipad and that is how they are doing their school work now.  So far, she has all A's for the 4th quarter!

I am learning:

I am learning from being out for groceries this morning that people are actually scared of each other!  It is truly a sorry state of affairs but I guess with COVID-19 you can't be too safe.

In my kitchen:

In my kitchen, we made Porcupine Meatballs and Mashed Potatoes for Easter Dinner.  We have ham all the time and wanted something different to celebrate.  Laken also made Carrot Cake Bunnies with Cream Cheese Icing for dessert.  Click HERE for the recipe :)

Shared Quote:

"God took the Man and set him down in the Garden of Eden to work the ground and keep it in order."

Genesis 2:15 MSG

A moment from my day:

My computer buddy, Kona.  She likes to lay on the rug beside me while I'm blogging.  I said her name and got a head lift in acknowledgment. 

Have a Blessed Day!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats to your daughter!! So very proud of her, smiles. Hope you have a beautiful day.


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