
Friday, April 17, 2020

First Lines Friday, 56 and BBH ~ 4/17/20

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

I'm still reading "Trinity" but the lines are new...

First Lines

Chapter One

Chinese Tea House, Maryland

Darci pushed through the heavy red door with the brass dragon handle.  On the soft carpet she paused and removed her coat.

 Page 56

Laughter rippled through the packed-our area.  "But you're there for each other.  You've got each other's backs."

 Q.  How do you decide the order of reading your books? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

 A.  I usually alternate between historical fiction and contemporary/suspense fiction.  When choosing from either category, I look at my TBR shelf and narrow down my choices but what mood I'm in.  I'm very much a mood reader!


Also linking up to:


  1. Happy Friday! My first line is from “The Vanishing of Olivia Beck” by Sara L. Foust:

    “Olivia Beck pulled her gaze from the rearview mirror for the tenth time in as many minutes. She would not cry.”

  2. It's nice to alternate your reading, as it doesn't get boring :)
    Konna @ The Reading Armchair

  3. Happy Friday!

    I really enjoyed both of the lines you shared today, and I think Trinity sounds like a very interesting read.

    On my blog today, I'm sharing the first line from The Joy of Falling by Lindsay Harrel:

    "Once upon a time, color had dominated Eva Jamison's days."

    Hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend :)

  4. You had me with the cover!! Happy weekend, stay safe!

  5. Happy Friday! Today, I'm sharing the first line from Desert Willow by Patricia Beal: "Clara Malone sat alone in the airport, her grandmother's labored request rushing through her mind."

  6. I usually let the library decide what I will read next because I place books on hold and then attempt to read them when they come in. My quotes and review

  7. I'm sharing the first line from The Englisch Daughter by Cindy Woodsmall and Erin Woodsmall on my blog. This book is FANTASTIC! I'm currently on chapter 17 so I'll share a line from there.
    "Roy glanced at the clock on the wall of the social services' private meeting room."
    Hope you have a great weekend!


  8. I’m doing Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese. I’ll use the first line from Chapter 15:

    Like a grouping of cancerous cells, my family’s cynicism had slithered into my subconscious and infected my thoughts with their poison.

  9. Sounds like a good reading. Thanks for sharing.

    Check out my Friday spotlight and my review of Shorefall


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