
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Journal Entry ~ 3/12/20

A few sentences about each day...

March 4, 2020 - March 10, 2020

4/Wed ~ I got a call from my doctor's office that my blood work is all normal!  I don't know if I'm supposed to continue taking the prescription strength Vitamin D or not.  I'll have to call and ask...  Laken had a fantastic time at the Science Olympiad!

5/Thurs ~ I cleaned house today.  I'm so tired of being cooped up and the doors being shut!  I love to open the doors and let fresh air in.  At least it now smells fresh from cleaners.  I did floors, laundry, windows, couches and sprayed everything with lemon scented air freshener :)

6/Fri ~ We got new pillows for everyone today!  We were certainly due!  Doug has to work tonight so he won't get to enjoy them until tomorrow night.  I am planning on getting comfy on my pillows with my current read!

7/Sat ~ This evening we had a Family Game Night.  We played Skipbo and I won!  It was a very relaxing day at home.  I'm looking forward to changing the clocks tonight!

8/Sun ~ After Church we cleaned off the deck and set of the patio table and chairs.  We also fixed my porch swing.  It was a glorious day!

9/Mon ~ It was another gorgeous day!  I hate to think that is calling for a chance of snow come Sunday :(  Laken had her first Track & Field practice today and had some issues with her asthma.  I'm going to call the pediatrician tomorrow to see if there is anything we can do.

10/Tues ~ We took Laken to the pediatrician to see about her asthma flaring up.  The doctor put her on a daily inhaler for the time being and wants to see her again in one month.  Kaylee had an interview at REI this evening.  She thinks it went well.  Now we wait and see...

Until next week,


1 comment:

  1. Busy week and I certainly hope the inhaler helps. My husband has breathing problems and it is certainly no fun!


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